Monday, June 24, 2019

Do you really have to endure injury over injury in self defense to finally be able to really defend yourself in a self defense sitation?

I did martial arts, self defense and I went to the gym. I have never hit back in a self defense situation. Needless to say, my belief in being able to defend myself is zero.

This belief is fueled by statements like

  • Always run away. Running away is always the only option.
  • Everybody has knives and appears in groups
  • You WILL die if you defend yourself
  • Do not look aggressive people in the eyes
  • Don't defend yourself, you will go to jail

That you find in forums and even more frequently in ma/sd classes themselves.

To me those statements mean only one thing: the teachers themselves know their teachings are not working. It is just gymnastics. Whenever I did sparring, I stopped prematurely, because why should I continue this? I get injured, the other one gets injured. That doesn't help me with anything.

How do you know that yes, you can defend yourself now. That you do not have to give in to bad treatment every single time, because OMG, they could attack you.

What happened to "be a threat". Don't be a victim.

Then in sd classes they show how to walk to "not be a victim". To then repeat to always run away. Those people saying this would NEVER run away.

Also, the above statements say another thing: others can hit you, you are unable to, no matter how much you train.

Transferring this to bullying, this is a dream for bullies. People who go to sd classes are almost always victims of violence. Don't tell them to run away, this only enforces their fears, making the world an even less safe place for them.

PS: Spare me the "you were in a wrong dojos, in my dojo it's TOTALLY different" bullshit.

So the question is, where do I train self defense, so I actually do apply it in a sd-situation? So I do have good experiences sparring.

Submitted June 24, 2019 at 02:24PM by Immanuel_Heinen

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