Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Defending My Dog

My sister lives in the hood, and I'm dog sitting her lab. He is a really laid back, friendly dog. I took him on a walk this morning, and a horribly aggressive stray dog approached me and my dog, snarling and growling. I panicked, I started yelling at the dog to scare it away. We ran, the dog followed us. The dog then jumped on mine, thankfully mine was really chill and stayed calm. Thankfully a bystander ran over and started chasing the dog away, but this scared me.

This will inevitably happen again. What can I do to prevent this? I can't shoot it because of legalities (and I'm sure there are non-lethal means). I would use bear mace, but I don't know if it's effective, might ,make it worse. What should I do? I called my local police dept. and they essentially just said to call them and pray I don't get attacked while they drive over.

Submitted June 18, 2019 at 05:16PM by Fcuk- http://bit.ly/2MXUYWF

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