Sunday, June 2, 2019

CCW and medical emergency

Chester County and Philadelphia area.I had an interesting experience over the past two days that I thought might make a good share. I was with my mother and she fell and hit her head bad enough that we called 911 and when the ambulance came I just grabbed my bag and hopped right on in.Go to the local hospital and there's no issues with me having my bag or anything. Her scans come back and they say she needs to be transported to another hospital in the city. Again without really thinking I grab my bag and hop in the ambulance.We get to the trauma center and the EMTS direct me to the emergency room walk-in entrance. There's an X-ray machine and a metal detector and security. Shit. So they go through my bag and remove sisors, forcepts and tweasers from my first aid kit, but don't even look in several pockets containing various tools, knives and a disection kit. The gaurd then tells me to empty my pockets and step through the scanner......that's when I finally realize that I have my firearm and Kabar on me.At this point I'd been up for almost 40 hrs and was concerned with my mom's injury so wasn't the sharpest tool in my bag at the moment.He doesn't react more than saying "Well you should have told me that first." So he radios another security office and a guard comes down and escorts me outside to the same trauma entrance my mom went through that the EMTS directed me away from.I get to the office and the guards are really polite and ask me to set my bag down ask where my firearm is and for the make and calibur. Then they ask me to remove it and place it on the table which I do, along with my spare mag and TDI.The one guard take the firearm and reads off the serial number to the other who also has my permit and is recording all the info in a log.Everything that was removed from my bag is placed into a baggy and put into a safe with my firearm, mag, TDI and permit. They lock the safe but keep the key and tell me I'm good to go and just to check back with them to retrieve it when I leave but in the meantime they're going to call a Philly hospital cop to run my permit and the gun, this was their justification for keeping the key. (it's still predawn at this point which is why there's no officer onduy I found out later)By late afternoon my mom is finally settled and in a room so I leave to cleanup, eat and crash at a friend's place nearby. I go back to security and this time there's a cop on duty who asks me for the safe key. Apparently I was supposed to be given the key which I would have preferred so that no one else has access to my firearm. The guard from before tells the cop they kept it and right away the cop can tell they hadn't followed proper procedure. They unlock the safe and remove my things. Only now my firearm has been dismantled, magazine removed, chambered round removed and everything is in separate little baggies. Now before I can even react the cop goes "What the hell?!? Who did that to his gun?? That could ruin it from the moisture!"Turns out that neither the guards nor the cop who they called knew proper procedure, because in addition to all that, they lost my paperwork from when I checked in.So I go through the paperwork a second time and sign out. They hand me my things back, in the morning they'd also taken a swiss and Leatherman off my keys, and I put them away. The firearm and ammo they just left on the table but wouldn't let me load and put it back together inside the building or carry it out.I had to put the pieces in my pockets walk outside and put it back together and reload on the street.I figure in all it was weird, handled oddly but at least they were apologetic for the fuck up. Especially the cop. I got the idea someone was gonna get reamed out for that.The cherry on top was when I went back this afternoon, I had my brother come in to pick us up so I secured my bag and firearm in the car before going into the hospital to avoid the hassle a second time around. However, this time I go in through the entrance to the building my mom's room is in and not the emergency room walk-in entrance. There's no security this time at all, turns out, only that one entrance has the scanners. via /r/CCW

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