Monday, March 25, 2019

Teacher defends against angry student

So this may be a longer one, it's my first reddit post and I tend to be long winded. Also posting on mobile, so sorry for any issues that causes. TL;DR at end.

So this isn't exactly my story and more a story my one high school teacher (T for short) told me. I live in a small town and I found other teachers that were at the school when it happened, so I believe it. So T told us this at the end of the year when we were done with learning and busy waiting for summer. At the time of the event T was a middle school teacher at the same school.

One day she was assigned to monitor the after school detention that happens in the cafeteria after school on wednesdays at my school. T decided to use the time to prepare for the classes she had to teach the next day. She was doing some craft type stuff with them and was using scissors to cut out some items. (Relevant)

Introducing the agrivated student (S). See in my state, at least at the time, schools couldn't deny students admission for low grades until you turned 18 so this particular student was 17 and in the 8th grade. T described him as the "big dumb oaf" who wasn't too bright but thought he was above everybody else.

S didn't like the fact that he was forced to be in detention after school and began complaining about being there. T told him to be quiet and S then became angry and started raising his voice. T, not being one to back down raises her voice to match his and try to assert that she was in charge. T is not very tall or visibly intimidating where S was significantly larger and more built so S in his infinite wisdom and anger decides to stand up and move toward T making threats toward T and the school in general. As he gets closer he begins charging at T.

T at this point realizes S is about to attack her and she is in a part of the room where she doesn't have anywhere to go. As S gets to T, she panics and with the scissors she was using to prepare for the next day, stabs S in the chest. S is shocked and stops dead in his tracks, looks down at his chest then runs out to the hall. T called for help and got more teachers and the police involved.

The school cameras showed that after S left the class he ran to his locker, grabbed his skateboard (not uncommon to have back then) and left the school. He ended up in the hospital for the injury and between the cameras and other students present T was found to have acted in self defense and was not in any trouble. S on the other hand was expelled and since he would be 18 before the next school year, the school could refuse to admit him. He also got in trouble with the cops but I don't remember if or what they charged him with.

TL;DR student attacks teacher, teacher stabs student, student gets expelled

Submitted March 25, 2019 at 05:49PM by ELDxNightSlayer

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