Thursday, March 28, 2019

At my school fights are becoming more and more common, but is Boxing a good way to defend myself?

At my middle school, fist fights are more and more common and I want to learn to defend myself. (Keep in mind I already try to avoid all fights and any confrontation, but I know one day I will certainly be inevitable for me to be involved in a fight.) I didn't really want to take a more traditional martial art such as Taekwondo or Kung-Fu, or go too far in as MMA. So, I settled on boxing. (After reading a book named "The Berlin Boxing Club" about World War 2 and a Jewish Boy who learns to box and it was even stated by Hitler that every boy should learn to box, weird huh?) Only recently I started to think about the fighting techniques of most school fist-fighters and boxers don't align as much as I wished. The biggest problem is getting around kicking, whereas most kids don't know karate so don't kick much, but I still know it may happen.

Submitted March 28, 2019 at 08:14AM by NicklesOnReddit

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