Thursday, March 28, 2019

Colorado Red Flag Gun Confiscation Bill Passes CO Senate

Colorado just passed (18-17) HR-1177 a "Red Flag" bill that was horribly written, and completely ignores due process, and has no teeth to protect against abuse (false or erroneous confiscation) leaving burden of proof on the gun-owner to prove (AFTER confiscation) that they should be allowed to keep their guns.While this news is not directly CCW related, it certainly will have impact on the ability for people to defend themselves.EDITED: Many of the state senators brought up victims of spousal abuse who are routinely dealing with false accusations from their abusers as "punishment" and who will now face having to prove that they should be allowed to keep their guns in order to protect themselves against their abusers. This really is a shameful situation, and it's shocking to me that so many representatives have no regard for the 4th, 5th, (let alone 2nd) amendments of the US Constitution.I, for one am very disappointed in the direction Colorado is taking, when compared to the pro-2A news we've seen lately from the surrounding States. via /r/CCW

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