Saturday, March 30, 2019

What weapons are LEGAL to carry around [CALIFORNIA]

as im sure we have the most confusing and non-nonsensical weapon laws in the entire freaking world i was simply curious of what non-firearm weapons (be it Blunt, projectile, or otherwise) could i carry around, and God-forbid use if ever needed and be totally legal​as far as my own research into the subject goes-Swords are legal with the exception that it is not concealed.-Pepper spray is legal-bow and arrow would be legal, although just as impractical as the sword (correct me if im wrong)​as far as im aware that probably itim looking to see if there are any more "weapons" i can leagally carry ever in the case i were to run into a crazy person out of the blue, or worse yet - shooters in a public area.​thanks in advance :) via /r/CCW

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