Friday, October 12, 2018

Traveled to Las Vegas and flew with gun, sharing my experience

Hey guys, in relation to my post from before. Thanks everyone for their advice in that post. was my expierence.Traveling out of Chicago Midway was a breeze. I locked my suitcase with a TSA approved lock but my glock 17 was in a hard case Pelican double locked. I didn't have the case tied down to the bag at all or anything special. I went to the southwest counter, told them I had to declare a firearm, and then I carried my bag over to the TSA station. He had me open the suitcase, he wiped it down, he wiped the case down, tested his little papers and then sent me on my way. Had my wife with me and we were chatting up with the guy. He said he gets them a few times a day and it's pretty much his only job at the station so he's used to it. By far the easiest thing I've done and I'm not even sure why I was worried. Took me maybe an extra 5-10 min tops. Got to Las Vegas assuming I had to grab my bag from someplace special. But because it was locked in a checked bag (and not a rifle case or something obviously a firearm) it just came off the belt like normal.Vegas was fun. The only place I couldn't carry the entire time was The Hoover Dam (left it in car) and inside buildings at The Grand Canyon. I didn't see a single sign and that place is way to busy for any security to single me out and check for me printing. Besides, I dont stand out other then my size. Probably assumed me and my wife were tourists and didn't give us a second look. I dont think I saw a single no gun sign in that city.Flying back was different. Flew out of Las Vegas International and once again went to the counter with my bag to declare firearm. They told me to stand by an American flag and I'd TSA didn't come grab me in 15 minutes I was free to go. Waited my 15 min and walked away. The 15 min wait was theongest part of the whole interaction. No idea where my bag went but they took care of it. Arriving at Chicago was the same as Vegas. Bag came off belt and I was on my way home.Traveled with two spare mags inside the case and never had to open the case once. I've heard stories about people having to open their gun case to be verified that it was unloaded but we had none of that either time. All in all it was a great expierence and I will fly with a firearm again as long as I my ccw is good in the state I'm traveling to.TL:DR: Traveling with a firearm was super easy. Never had to open my Pelican case a single time. No complaints. Vegas is awesome. Know the regulations of the TSA and your carrier and everything should be fine. via /r/CCW

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