Monday, October 1, 2018

Mindset is important for yourself, and also for your society.

This is probably going to be unpopular, but I think it needs to be said. This post is for people who regard themselves as reasonable, capable, and are a worried about what's happening around them. This post might piss you off, so if you fret easily, or get pissed off easily, you might want to just skip it.​I see a lot of what if's and scenarios being posted, and then much of the CCW community insists on the "mind your business, walk away, you are responsible for you and your family, and that's it" kind of mindset. If that mindset seems weak, or lacking in accountability to, know that there is at least one other civilian out there who shares your opinion.​This is our society. Our actions AND our inaction affects this society. This society is going leak into your life, and your family's life for better or worse. People doing dumb and stupid shit are going to become more and more okay with dumber and stupider shit. It sucks that someone didn't correct that behavior early on in life. If you have the opportunity to correct that behavior early one, please do it. Yeah, that idiot may not be your kid, and you may not think it's your problem, but when that kid slaps the shit out of your kid, or you, you're going to think otherwise.​I know the problems that can happen when you carry a gun and get involved in other people's shit. I know how complicated situations can be when two people are beefing. I know how many variations of right and wrong there are. I also know that I'm not incapable of figuring out something complicated with a little bit of foresight, and I feel connected enough in the world to still remember what right and wrong are and I feel confident in sticking up for what I believe in, and I'll bet many of you do, too. Are you too old, too small, or just terrified of having to deal with social problems? Don't worry, this message is not for you. Are you mad because you feel like I'm saying you should stick your nose in everything? This message is not for you. This message is to encourage you to experience the world, realize there are fundamental rights and wrongs, and realize that if you aren't changing the world into something you see fit, someone else is. It's happening as you speak. A CCW is not an excuse to stick your head in the sand.​Maybe lifting weights and learning about the dynamics of violence is just as important as training to draw your gun and shooting to make them stop. via /r/CCW

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