Friday, October 12, 2018

How do I deal with a really aggressive homeless guy on my block?

There is a homeless man on my block that I only see around at very late hours of the night.

He’s probably in his 50s, has a small-frame, but is god damn terrifying to me. This was our first encounter:

Me: (walking home with food)

Homeless Man: (friendly) Hey! Where’s mine?

Me: Sorry, man. (continue walking)

Homeless Man: (suddenly angry, evil look in his eye) HEY! I wasn’t kidding. I said where. is. mine.

At that point, I crossed the street and he started coming at me. “Hey motherfucker! I’m not homeless! I’m talking to you!”

Luckily, I got through my building door before he could catch up.

He is homeless, despite what he says. (I didn’t even say anything to him about his being homeless. He brought up his “not being homeless” himself.) I constantly see him terrorizing people into handing over food and cash.

I’m so sick of being scared to walk down my own street. I’m in my 30s, ex-military... I know deep down I could MURDER THIS MAN physically. But I also know homeless guys like him have nothing to lose— he could be carrying a knife, shard of glass, etc. He’s definitely that type.

How do I handle it if I don’t see him before he can confront me? Esp. when I’m walking with a girl and don’t want to look weak (that’s when homeless people REALLY love to harass you).

My anger toward him is building up so much, I’m afraid I’m either going to lose control and beat him to death one night or end up being murdered myself.

Any tips/advice or, even better, real life experiences you have are much appreciated.

TL:DR — Really aggressive homeless man terrorizing my block. Politeness, ignoring, walking straight past doesn’t work. What do I do?

Submitted October 12, 2018 at 09:14PM by porkchopsandgravy

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