Is it really the god-send to the ccw market like I’m hearing? What’s your verdict after carrying it for a while? Deciding between it and a XDs. via /r/CCW
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Looking to get night sights for my Springfield XDs any suggestions?
Looking to get night sights for my Springfield XDs 9mm. I pocket carry with a BORA II pocket holster so my front and rear sight would rub against my pocket. So I do not want anything to sharp. I was looking at some TruGlo offerings from TFX pros ($100) to just standard tritium night sights ($45). What experiences have you had with night sights on your carry guns. Any advice or tips ? via /r/CCW
My case against appendix carry. Am I wrong?
I really am not trying to start an argument or tick anyone off. I just am pointing out my observation. If I am seeing this wrong I would love for someone to help me out. It would be beneficial to me even to hear if I am wrong.My worry with appendix carry is nothing to do with muzzling yourself, ability to conceal, comfort, or anything like that. My worry is how do you draw on someone with a gun and conceal your draw. In all the videos I have watched it seems like every encounter where the victim won the fight they turned their body to conceal their draw and shot the attacker. If your firearm is in the front of your body how would you do that? Are you going to turn around and face the other direction?Unless I want to spend the rest of my life in jail, basically the only time I can reasonably draw a weapon on someone is when they are threatening me with deadly force(ie, has a gun drawn on me). It doesn't matter where you are holstered if you are drawing from a concealed position. For instance, someone walking up on my car to car-jack me. But, when you have no concealment the only way to conceal your draw is to use your body as concealment. It seems to me from what I have seen in a lot of videos is that you have an advantage when you can turn your body slightly to hide your draw. You can also use a free hand to distract the attacker. What I mean by that is you can put your hand up like you are complying. You also have the advantage of being able to watch the attacker while concealing your draw.I know people can make cases for appendix like printing, comfort, speed of draw(when using two hands). But what about when it really matters? What is the case for carrying that way when you are being attacked? It seems to me that if someone has a gun in your face and they see you draw on them you will lose that battle 99% of the time. If you wait to draw and shoot after they rob you and are running away you risk jail time for shooting them in the back.I do understand that appendix might be the easiest way to draw from a driving position. You don't have a seat between you and the gun. But, in a vehicle you have the advantage of concealment. I would argue that from a car you are probably better having an unholstered weapon if you can. Maybe something like those magnets. I don't know though and I don't want to get off topicAnyways, I appreciate the help. It just seems like appendix is a poor choice for if you get in a gun battle. It seems like a good choice for everything else...except for when you need to use it. I really would love some feedback.TL;DR: How do you conceal the draw from the appendix carry? via /r/CCW
Glock 19 Gen5 vs Glock 26 Gen5
So I own a Glock 19 Gen5 that I absolutely love. The debate I keep having with myself is if I should get a custom holster and try to conceal carry with that or get Glock 26 Gen5. The concerns I have with the 19 is being uncomfortable when I carry while sitting down AIWB. There are days where I make 45min-1hr car rides at least twice in a day and I’m unsure if that’s something that a 19 would be comfortable wearing. I also feel if I don’t carry AIWB I’d like to hip carry at about 9 o’clock (since I’m left handed) but I feel it will stick out too much.My concern with getting the 26 is spending money on a brand new gun and everything that comes with that when I already have something fairly similar. I wanted to see what everyone’s thoughts were on this, what’s been working for everyone, and any suggestions on holsters and belts. Thank you. via /r/CCW
Best women's gun belt on Amazon Prime?
What is the best available gun belt I can buy on Amazon? Any recommendations? Doesn't have to be anything special, I'm just worried about getting it in 2 days and it not being garbage. Thank you! via /r/CCW
Which Glock?
I'm looking to buy my first firearm and I had in mind a Glock 19 Gen 5 or a Glock 43 but not sure what to pick. I looked at both the Glock 19 and 43 and I liked the look of the 19 and how it felt on my hand but I liked the 43s small form factor for concealment since I'm a pretty thin guy and wear a lot of slim fit clothing.I'd like to use whatever firearm I pick as my main choice for concealed carry since I'm working on getting my license in Texas. Basically I would like to know which firearm would serve all my needs as a beginner for concealed carry, self and home defense ( until I save up for an AR), and not having issues to dress around the gun. Also, how much of a difference in accuracy and velocity would I lose out if I go with the 43 instead of the 19? via /r/CCW
Colorado magazine limits question
I'm planning to move to Colorado and was wondering if there are still issues over magazine limits. Am I fine with a 17 round Glock mag as an everyday carry? via /r/CCW
Seeking a larger car vault than Nanovaults, needs to hold Glock 17 IN ITS HOLSTER
No, this is not where the gun lives. I keep it on-body at all times, if I know I can't carry somewhere ahead of time it stays home. But for situations where I absolutely have to lock it up on-the-fly, my Nanovault just isn't cutting it. I need to remove my AIWB holster from the Glock to lock it up, which is way too much weapon handling in a car with windows for walls. I want something larger, that I can toss the whole holstered gun into and maybe a spare mag and knife. via /r/CCW
My gear stood up to its toughest test yet
So this weekend I attended a wedding and decided to test my gear. I run a Smith & Wesson M&P Shield 2.0 in a Crossbreed minituck. I’m also not a big person at 5’10” and 160-170lbs.The first test was, that I was wearing my shirt tucked in all night. When I put my clothes on I scrutinized my appearance to make sure the gun wasn’t visible. I was pretty satisfied actually, the way tucked shirts naturally poof out on me hides the gun very well. There was lots of greeting family members and friends. Lots of hugs involved. I took some advice I read on this subreddit and made sure to go under their arm on the side where my gun was located. The wedding was outside and we had to sit in chairs that had an opening in the back for the whole night. I had to sit somewhat awkwardly at times to keep the gun from protruding out and being visible to the people behind me. After the ceremony was all done we went inside and ate, no big deal. But then there was a dance. It was dark in the building and the only lights were the strobe lights from the DJ, but all of the movements made a me little worried that my shirt might come untucked. But it never did! That’s when I realized something about the crossbreed and similar holsters. Since you tuck the shirt in between the Kydex and the belt, when the belt applies the same pressure that holds the gun in, it also clamps down on the shirt and keeps it tucked in. Finally the security for the wedding ended up being two sheriffs. That’s not who was supposed to be there. The original security bailed last minuet and one of the grooms family, who is a sheriff, pulled some favors.All in all it helped me be much more confident in my gear. Maybe now I won’t be so self conscious when I’m out in places where, it’s not illegal, but someone would have a problem if they noticed. I carry a lot on my college campus and I’m always worried some one who drinks the cool aid some of our professors give out will notice and have a BF. Thanks for reading!TL:DR. I wore a tucked in shirt, hugged lots of people, sat in weird chairs with a hole where my gun was, and danced for a while. No one at the wedding ever noticed my gun, not even the sheriffs doing security. via /r/CCW
Looking for a certain IWB holster.
I'm looking for a certain IWB holster for my M&P 40c that also can hold an extra mag. Seen them plenty on here and YouTube videos but failing to find them online to purchase. Any good ones you all recommend? via /r/CCW
Saturday, September 29, 2018
Biggest caliber pocket carry gun option?
I just got my CCW license, and I'm looking for a gun companion to my M&P Shield 9mm (I'm investigating IWB holsters for this), but for my pocket (and for lazy carry).What is the biggest caliber round you've seen that can comfortably be pocket carried? Are there any 9mms that are small enough to be reasonably pocket carried? via /r/CCW
First post | This is my new favorite way to carry a tourniquet via /r/CCW
Remora Holster- This should be the new standard test for qualifying if a holster is worthy. via /r/CCW
Is the Ruger LCP II light enough to be carried clipped to gym shorts and not dance around on Cardio Day?
Normally I carry at the gym using a belly band, but on Cardio Day my guns tend to dance around. Is the LCP II light enough to be just clipped? via /r/CCW
A lesson on not drawing attention onto yourself
I was attending a defensive driving course (because I was a dumbass and had speeding tickets), and one of the students asked the instructor what she should do if she got pulled over and she has a firearm. The instructor said she would have to immediately declare it to the officer or it would be a felony.Normally I like to keep a low profile, especially in a class filled with teenagers. However, the instructor was blatantly incorrect as my state is a no duty to inform state. Even in duty to inform states the penalty is a misdemeanor. I spoke up and corrected the instructor. Another student spoke up and was "pretty certain" you would have to inform the officer. He looked it up on his phone and finally decided I was right. Then he asked "Do you carry? You seem to know a good bit." At that point I knew I was drawing too much attention to myself (I was indeed carrying at the time).I brushed it off and said, "Maybe." He saw I didn't elaborate and left me alone. What would you have done? via /r/CCW
Criminals usually do these 4 things before assaulting YOU
Submitted September 29, 2018 at 08:36PM by valetudomonk
Submitted September 29, 2018 at 08:36PM by valetudomonk
New to Reddit | Anyone else carry Med gear and flash lights? via /r/CCW
Bad ammo caused a ton of failures to eject. Is gun reliable?
I carry a Springfield XDS 9mm. Ive carried it for over year and have fired at least 700 rounds through it without ever having a failure.Last week my buddy and I decided to go target shooting. Due to the last minute, we had to buy ammo from Walmart. I was super cheap and bought the cheapest 9mm they sold. Four, 50 round boxes of Winchester steel case for 8 dollars a box. They were absolutely filthy cheap out of the box.I had so many jams on the range that I didnt even finish the last box and just shot my friend's pistol. At least 30 jams.I was stunned, since I thought my Springfield could feed anything after so many succesful range trips.I carry super high grade Speer Gold Dot bullets and never had a failure to fire with them. Should I be worried about the reliability of my pistol? Could all of those jams have damaged it? I field stripped it and didn't notice any problems, then cleaned it.Short: Crap ammo wouldn't run through normally perfect gun. Should I continue to carry the pistol even with good ammo?P.S. my mate shot crap ammo too, perfectly.... with his GLOCK. via /r/CCW
Vedder light tuck w/ claw for 8:00 carry?
I currently carry an FN-509 in a Black Arch ADM holster. It's a great holster, but I've lost about 25 pounds and it's a little bulky.I'm looking for a solid kydex, low-profile holster for carrying at 8 - 9:00 (I'm a lefty). My top choices are the Vedder light tuck or the JM Custom Kydex IWB 2. I want a holster that will pull the grip in towards my body; I know the wing on the JMCK is supposed to accomplish that, but was wondering if the claw on the Vedder would do the same thing.I know the claw is generally for appendix carry. via /r/CCW
Any physicians or other hospital employees CCW?
I'm currently in the process of applying to medical school, and I was wondering what I should expect surrounding CCW in my future. Are there any physicians or other hospital employees who carry on a regular basis? If so, is that in spite of hospital policy? I know legal repercussions can vary by state, but from what I can find, many hospitals have a no firearms policy with the penalty of termination.I spend most of my time between my house and undergrad campus. My university has a strict no firearms policy, and this means I spend the majority of my time unarmed. Should I expect this trend to continue throughout my medical career? I'm currently in KY and will likely attend medical school here, but I could end up practicing anywhere in the country. via /r/CCW
NC Permit: Perfect time to upgrade my starter pistol! via /r/CCW
Airport Luggage Handler steals 6 guns from luggage. via /r/CCW
Best Martial arts for self defence ?
where i live there's no krav maga or sistema training available , so the only option is the good old martial arts , i'm already doing Muay Thai , i'm thinking of mma or wrestling next , any recommendations
Submitted September 29, 2018 at 12:20PM by riad_thunderbolt
Concealed carry IN CAR in Georgia
Hey guys, I've been reading up on the carry laws for the state of Georgia and I was wondering something that doesn't seem too clear. I'm legally allowed to own a handgun in my state as well as being allowed to carry it on my property and in my car. My question is, may I have it concealed in my car? I don't have a carry license yet and I've seen different answers from different people. I haven't seen anything specifically stating that I can't, but I'd like to be sure before I throw my gun in there. Thanks for reading! via /r/CCW
Friday, September 28, 2018
Do you ever time yourself with your carry gun?
Wondering if others time themselves, or just practice to get better.A friend happened to be at the range with a shot timer, so I timed my draws and splits. 1.75 average draws and .2-.25 average splits right now. I hope to get my draws to sub 1.5s but I'm happy with my splits for now.Rig is a stock G19. Unfortunately I am not allowed to draw from concealment at my range, so that's drawing from a Safariland 6378 ALS rig. via /r/CCW
Conceal carry with a tucked shirt
Does anyone do this? Any suggestions for holsters? via /r/CCW
Revolver aiwb holster with speedloaders
Does it exist and which one of you is unironically wearing it now? via /r/CCW
DA/SA trigger - trigger finger placement
Hey folks, I've been shooting my DA/SA carry gun and have been struggling to find the best place to put my finger on the trigger. I've been told to "use less finger" and to keep it on the pad of my finger in the center of the digit and I've also been told to "use more finger," with the trigger sitting closer to that first crease in the finger.My shooting with either method has been inconsistent with some days producing better results with one method and other days I shot better with the other method. What are yalls experiences with this? I'd love to get all the feedback I can get via /r/CCW
Holster for a bigger guy
I currently carry a S&W MP Shield 2.0 9mm with a We the People Holster and an extra mag. I usually carry at the 4-5 position and it prints a little bit even in my light coat. My question is what holster would be best to get it as low to my waste line as possible without it printing?Details about me: 6’4”- 255lbs with a little muffin top above my waist which causes this issue.Thanks! via /r/CCW
Traveling from NC to PA. Any gotchas?
I'm aware that I can't carry through Maryland so I'll have to stop and disarm. I'm not familiar with DC or Virginia. PA seems pretty straight forward with not much to worry about. via /r/CCW
Left an address out in my concealed carry application on accident...
Hey guys,I applied for my concealed carry yesterday in North Carolina and for whatever reason it just hit me that I left an address out of my history. Am I going to get denied because of this? If I am, is there a way to fix this instead of having to wait for three months for the check to go through so I can reapply and pay $90 again?Thanks in advance! via /r/CCW
What should I do if someone enters my house?
I know how to call 911, (tell them what i look like, tell them where i am, etc), Should i point a gun at them and tell them to get down and don't move? What if they don't comply? can i shoot them? When can i shoot them? (i'm in Nevada, USA)
Submitted September 28, 2018 at 12:52PM by ShibieStorm
Glock 26 Gen 5 Magazine Extension
I'm looking for a magazine extension to add +2 to my new Gen 5 that I bought, I want something that is going to match the OEM texturing and color as much as possible.I've looked at the pearce grips but it doesn't seem like it matches the OEM texturing and color. Anyone got suggestions? Thanks! via /r/CCW
Considering carrying on vacation, I've read the posts, but give me any other tips you've got.
Hey all, I read the things, I've done research, I'm just looking for personal experiences or tips here:NH Resident. Traveling to Colorado on vacation to visit my best friend. I've gone a few times, they live in Thornton near Denver.Flying Delta, NH -> Detroit -> Denver. Multi hour layover in Detroit. Same route on the way back.NH Resident permits are reciprocal in both Colorado and Michigan, so if for some reason I'm stuck in Michigan, I should be alright. It won't be a New York situation.Reading through the laws, it looks like Aurora gets a little sketchy. Denver has some extra laws mostly for open carry. Just looking to CC my LCPII though. Mostly going to me in Denver, Thornton, Boulder and north. Maybe in Wyoming, which also offers reciprocity.Delta rules seem pretty reasonable. Put it in a locked (non-TSA) hard case, unloaded, ammo in manufacturers packaging seems easiest, I'll just bring a box of critical defense. Case can be inside a soft package. Walk in, declare to agent, sign forms, secure, hand over, fly to place, pick it up. Repeat on the way back.Anyone from CO have any tips or unofficial things I should be aware of? Any quirks flying Delta? Any experiences flying out of MHT or DEN? via /r/CCW
What's the fastest you've ever heard of someone receiving their CCW after filing?
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Soft Loops or Quick Clips? and Why?
I've been carrying for 2 years now. I started out with an LCP in pocket carry. I graduated to a LC9s Pro I carried in appendix for awhile, at about 4:30-5:00 carry. 2 years later and I sold my original two carry guns for a single Glock 43 sporting a TLR-6 laser/light. I currently use a regular kydex holster with a carry clip on a Blue Alpha Gear cobra belt at about 3:00-3:30 and this is PERFECT for me. My gun comes in and out of my waistband several times a day to stay in the car at work, but putting the weapon back in my waistband is as easy as tucking it in.What are the advantages of soft loops over the hard carry clips? What do you carry? and How do you carry it? What are the reasons you choose soft loops over clips or vice versa? And finally based on what I provided, if you think I would like soft-loops more, link me up with your favorite holster company. I could always use more options, or something a little more personal. via /r/CCW
Bersa Thunder 380 / Plus
Hey guys and girls, just discovered this Bersa Thunder 380 as I was looking for a DA/SA gun after hearing earnest Langdon speak on the subject on the concealed carry podcast.I currently own and carry a shield 9mm (MA compliant) and work as a welder fabricator so I’m moving around a lot on the job, making this size gun about the biggest I would want to carry comfort wise.I’ve since moved to NH and can now carry anything I want, and wanted to get rid of my shield and it’s 10.5lb trigger. It’s not the weight I dislike but the pull, it’s just a wall with hardly any movement and I can never tell when it’s going to break. I have an SP101 that’s DAO with the same trigger weight and I adore the trigger pull in DA because it’s so easy to feel the shot.I’ve heard great things about the bersa and it seems like a good alternative to the px4 storm carry model which is quite a bit larger and most importantly heavier, even unloaded.The bersa standard holds 8+1 and the plus 15+1, I’m honestly leaning toward the standard because of it being thinner and more proportional and also weighing less due to round count but it’s still a bit up in the air.As for caliber I’ve never owned a 380 and this gun is the main reason I’m looking that way, but I’m not someone overly concerned with that debate, you won’t see me wearing a “45 doesn’t shrink” t shirt.Not overly bothered by the safeties, I won’t be using the lock ever, nor would I use the manual safety as anything but a decock lever. Mag safety is easy to circumvent.Curious to hear from those of you that have tried this gun, and what your experience was. via /r/CCW
Freedom Friday - Weekly off-topic thread. September 28, 2018
Welcome to our "Freedom Friday" thread. Here, you can post anything that is related to firearms or other weapons(knives, etc.). Posts do not need to be self-defense related. We'll be monitoring these threads and making adjustments to our content rules as necessary. via /r/CCW
Thursday, September 27, 2018
How to spot a good CCW class?
I keep seeing comments and posts about how terrible many classes are. How do I pick a good one? What should I look for as good or bad signs?I understand and follow the 4 safety rules and can operate my guns, but assume I know nothing else. My state does not require any classes before carrying, but I'm not going to do so until I feel like I know what I'm doing. via /r/CCW
Glock 43 or Sig P365
Been thinking about my first concealed carry pistol for a few months now. Trying to decide between the two guns listed in the title. Any negative or positive experiences you guys have had with them would be appreciated via /r/CCW
What’s the best way/other options for concealing with gym shorts/sweatpants?
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While I am fishing and a DNR officer asks for my fishing license, am I required to show my ccw id I am carrying? - Florida
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Any recommendations for sweatpants/casual pants for pocket carry?
The sweatpants I commonly wear like Champion or Adidas seem to have pockets that allow my LCP II (in Vedder pocket locker) to slowly slide out of my pocket when I'm sitting down, which discourages me from pocket carrying at home. I don't have this issue with any of my jeans.Does anyone have any suggestions for sweatpants that worked for them?Thanks! via /r/CCW
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