Sunday, February 4, 2018

[LE Encounter] Had to transport a new car 211 miles without tags

Bought a new car yesterday (2006 Ford Ranger, 2.3L manual 2wd, I love it). I got it off of Craigslist and I had $4k of cash on me so I wanted to carry, but the car was located 211 miles away. I did my research beforehand and realized that in Virginia I need a prospective purchaser trip permit in order to move a car without tags on it, so I paid the $5 and got the permit. To move the car you need to tape the permit up to your back window along with the bill of sale.I got there, car was great, I made the purchase. I didn't realize this beforehand but the car had slightly tinted windows and it made it hard to see the papers in my back window. So basically I knew I was legally OK but I was going to have to make the 211 mile drive back to my house in a car without tags and without easily visible documentation. I basically resigned myself to the fact that I was going to get pulled over constantly and I started driving home.The first half was really lucky, the cops were all already pulling someone else over. About halfway out of nowhere I saw lights behind me, I immediately pulled over and turned off the car, rolled down my window, and put my hands at 10/2.The cop asked for license and registration first, no talk about the lack of tags. I'm assuming the first priority was identification. I explained that I bought the car a couple hours ago and I had a trip permit/bill of sale taped up behind me in lieu of a registration. I pulled it down and handed it to him, he asked if I bought from a dealer (I didn't, private sale) and where I was coming from/going to (from the seller's city to my city).I then remembered I still have to hand over my license. I had a choice to make - I have no duty to inform police officers I'm carrying in Virginia, but this isn't a simple speeding ticket. For all this guy knows I've just stolen this car or something, this stop could have the potential to get ugly and the last thing I want is for him to take me out of the car and pat me down and for him to find a gun. I keep my carry permit in the same slot in my wallet as my license, so I get my wallet out (back left pocket, moved it there from back right when I started carrying so I could reach for my wallet without looking like I'm reaching for a gun) and hand him both my license and my permit. He looks at them and ask if I'm carrying a concealed weapon on me (professionally, not like a dick) and I say yeah I am. He asks where, I say it's in my front right pocket. He then asked me if I could take it out and hand it to him for the duration of the stop.At this point a warning bell goes off in my head and I realize that I need to confirm what I'm about to do before I do it, because if I just misheard him or something and I pull it out I'm about to get shot. So I say something along the lines of "Just to confirm, you want me to take the firearm out of my pocket and hand it to you?" He says yeah, then I confirm again with a "Alright, I'll do that now". I carry a pocket holster LCP so I remove the gun still holstered and hand it over. He asks if it's loaded, I say it is. He says thanks and that he's going to head back to his car for a minute.About three minutes later he comes back. "Here's your trip permit hands me the trip permit, here's your license and your concealed carry permit hands me those, I put them in my wallet, and here's your gun. I took the bullet out of the chamber and put it in the magazine. Have a nice day."With that it was over. The rest of the drive was uneventful, and frankly I'm kind of worried that I can drive 211 miles with no tags and only get pulled over once. The cop was extremely professional, I wouldn't say he was overly nice but he certainly was never a dick. All in all it was a fine experience and I'm glad I finally have my first traffic stop with a carry permit out of the way.My takeaways are that I'm glad that I have my permit/license in the same pocket of my wallet and handing the license with the permit is the right way to bring up that I have a gun on me. I did well confirming the request to remove the gun and I did well by confirming that I was about to remove the gun before I did it. via /r/CCW

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