Sunday, February 25, 2018

Mentality of CCW holders

Hey guys, this will be a mix of a brain picking and a rant. Im curious how you good folks feel about intervening in a crisis of small or large scale. Couple drinkin buddies of mine and i were talking about CCW, training and the such and the topic of the broward county LEOs hiding and when to intervene in a crisis came up.Throughout the discussion alot of good points were made and as it goes so bad ones and i realized something, i HATE the sheep and sheepdog arguement, i physically cringed at a couple comments that were made. I will use my firearm to its full affect if and when my life and that of my family is under threat, if a group if people are behind me then so be it, but i will NOT be a sheepdog or a shepherd and put myself out there to try and hard charge into a mass of screaming and shooting blind. Im not a LEO and im not some paramilitary badass that some guys seems to think they become when strapping on a gun.I made a comment to that effect and one of my buddies friends (mr weekend warrior) made the comment that he would step in because he is confident in his ability with his firearm, kinda flooring the group, my buddy jackson spoke up, now jackson is a pretty chill guy, looking at him youd never know he was highly decorated and spent 3 tours overseas with the 82nd. Hes a pretty badass dude and i highly value his input- that being said he said something along the lines of run, hide, fight. His life and his families are his own responsibility, the general public isnt, but if the gunman crossed his path he would put him down. Mr. Weekend warrior couldnt figure out why this guy who had seen and done so much wouldnt run in guns ready he was after all a hero wasnt he, jackson shook his head along with the rest of us and switched the topic to gun belts and hotrods.Whats everyone's oppinion on this subject. Is it a fight for the saftey of the public first or your self and family first.Is the public safe because you chose to protect them, or because you chose to protect your family. via /r/CCW

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