Sunday, February 25, 2018

First LEO stop while armed

So I got pulled over for the first time armed last night and it was a good experience.It was about 21:00 hours, and I was going to a gas station to get a coke. An officer was behinde me, and when I put my blinker on and braked for the turn he lit me up. I pulled into the gas station, and parked. I turned my cab lights on and got my insurance, DL, and LTC (Texas). I don't have a duty to inform, I just wanted to be clear and upfront. The Officer came to my window and asked for my information. I handed it over and kept both hands on my steering wheel. He looked through it and asked if I had my firearm on me. I said yes, and he said okay, and told me the reason he stopped me was I had a brakelight out on my driver's side. I told him I figure the parts store was still open, and I could go there when I am done here at the station. He said well let me go back to my car and check all your information and if everything checks out I will give you a warning. So after about 5 minutes of waiting he comes back and we finish the stop. He told me thanks for carrying and have a good night.I live in a small Texas town so mostly everyone is gun friendly. Just suprised about how easy it all was. I suppose I did things right. I said earlier I don't have a duty to inform, but I thought that it would be a good idea. Also keeping my hands visable at all times seemed smart. via /r/CCW

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