Saturday, February 24, 2018

Early Morning Wake Up

I woke up at 6:30 this morning to my pupper barking its face off in the living room. I peeked out my bedroom window and saw a small SUV parked in front of my house and a small lady in my yard picking up pieces of wood from a tree I cut down a couple weeks back, and loading them into her vehicle.I threw on some shorts, grabbed my WML, mounted it on my carry gun (I don't have a light bearing holster for it yet), and walked out the front door. I told her politely that the wood wasn't for sale, and that I would appreciate it if she left.At this point I wasn't all that worried for my safety and was kind of obscuring the gun behind my body, standing at a slight angle to her. I didn't want to freak her out, but I wasn't about to be outside at that hour without my gun.She said that there was a craigslist post about free firewood and I was the only house on the street with wood in the yard. I told her that I had made no such post. She hastily started unloading the wood while I watched, all while telling me that I should really check craigslist and figure out what was going if all of this is my fault.She finished and left, and I was just standing there, in front of my house, with my gun, thinking "WTF just happened?!?!" I go inside and sure enough, there was a post from someone a couple miles from me, on my street with free firewood.I don't know if she ever saw my gun, I never really made it super obvious, but she couldn't have been more than 100 lbs dripping wet, and I am 6'3" and weigh 230 lbs so I think she was already shitting herself having a half naked giant telling her to politely fuck off. Just think of the mental scarring if I had run out there naked with my AR-15 ;)My takeaway from all of this is:People are crazy and do stupid shit like trespassing before dawn.Doggo's are the best alarm system ever, and every home should have at least two.I need to be able to snap awake and be ready to respond a little quicker than I did this morning. I need to trust the dog and mobilize if they start barking at weird times.I feel fine with the way I responded. I did not call the police, but I would have if there hadn't been a legit craigslist post. It was a boneheaded mistake on her part. The only reason I really felt the need to be armed was because of the time of day it happened.I know some people might think that I should have stayed inside, and called the police immediately. Thats fair I guess, but I made a judgement call. If there had been multiple people I would have played it differently. via /r/CCW

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