OK, so a couple of things:Fuck Sig. I've got a p938 and absolutely love it for a whole bunch of reasons. I've also got a Vedder Lighttuck for it and together they are perfect for me. But after only a couple months and a couple thousand rounds, my pretty little Sig will be in the shop for almost as long as I've owned it to date. Not happy - and with the p320/p365 "not a recall" bullshit, I'm ready to move on. Really want to be a sig guy, but alas, cannot be one.My other gun is a full size 1911. It's a nightstand blaster, never intended to be a carry weapon. But it is now, at least for the next 4-8 weeks (assuming my Sig comes back fixed). And maybe for a bit after that, if I decide to upgrade from the 938 - will evaluate the situation then. In any case, I've got to shove this huge gun down my pants for a bit and I know some of you do that already so am reaching out for help.I've also got a Vedder Lighttuck for the 1911. It's fine, but not perfect - the fit was never quite as good as it is for the 938 (no retention "click") and it rides too low.I hear a lot of people say that it's not the barrel length that makes a gun difficult to carry, it's the length of the grip - I have not found this to be true. My Vedder (with claw) makes this gun disappear completely. Actually, almost a little bit too much - my early stage beer pregnancy comes with some fairly mature love handles and the claw pushes the gun into me so much when at 2:30 that my body actually appears out of shape because I become skinnier on the side with the gun - it's pushing my fat in too much. To the degree that I've considered just carrying a support side gun as well, rather than going the gym. I've done it in front of a mirror for the sake of pure vane curiosity - and I look fucking fantastic. But I digress.The barrel length prohibits true aiwb - I can carry it at 2:30 and 3:00 with the vedder, but find this less comfortable. If it rode a bit higher, it would be perfectly comfortable at 1 to 1:30, which is where I'm accustomed to carrying. As it is though, at it's highest setting, it's pretty much all in my junk (or leg, or whatever is below it, wherever I position it).Anybody doing this? I reached out to Zorn after somebody else posted about them here and they'll make me one - but I'm not sure about their ride height either and am concerned that I can't adjust both height and cant simultaneously. With a claw, I can get this gun pretty high up on my belly and still make it invisible, just need a holster willing to work with me on that and prefer not to go through several testers first - the Sig could be back before I find Goldilocks.Thanks in advance. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2F4CID8
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