Friday, July 5, 2024

New: Weekly Martial Arts / SD systems Discussion Series. Interested?

Hello, r/SelfDefense Community!

Most of us are reaching the end of our training season which is not only an opportunity to rest for a while, but also reflect on the past. We have been brainstorming ways to start new discussions in order to provide value to all!

I am excited to propose a new initiative: a weekly (or bi-weekly) series aimed at deepening our understanding of various self-defense systems / martial arts and their practicality in real-life self-defense situations.

We will select one martial art or self-defense system to focus on each week. The idea is to have an in-depth discussion:

  • How does this work? A new post will be shared by the mod(s) which will serve as an introduction to the martial art/SD system of the week.

  • Comment: You will all get to share your thoughts and your valuable insight. The post can be highlighted and labeled so that people who are interested in that art/system can read your opinions in the future.

  • Discuss and debate!

    • What are the advantages and the disadvantages of the martial art/system?
    • What is its practicality in real-world self defense scenarios?
    • What are the best practices you have come across as regards to the training methods relevant to self defense?
    • What are the best strategies to use for real life situations?
  • Rank it and provide feedback!

    • How effective do you believe that martial art/system is for self defense?
    • How quickly can a newcomer learn basic material, strategies, etc?
    • How easy is it to adapt your training and techniques to real life self defense scenarios?

I believe this could be a fantastic way to gain insights, share knowledge, and help each other become better educated about the various styles out there. Your participation will be key to making this initiative successful and informative. Let us all foster respectful discussions in order to help people make informed decisions about their training.

Are you interested? Please comment below if you'd like to participate in the creation of these posts. Volunteers which can "represent" their art/style/system will be of tremendous help. Please, comment your suggestions on how to make this series even better.

We can also add some questions in the comment section which will be answered by all of you (e.g.: any of those listed above or any that you will share in the comments section).

If there's a particular martial art you want us to start with, let us know!

We should promote striking, grappling, and hybrid arts/systems.

Looking forward to your thoughts!

Submitted July 05, 2024 at 10:56AM by theopresent

I got an idea for self defense!

How about liquid ass spray???

Submitted July 05, 2024 at 02:46AM by arkofthecovet

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

How to protect self on a bike?

I had a scary incident on an isolated nature bike path today. A tweaker on a bike was giving me creepy vibes. I unfortunately ignored my gut instinct (first mistake) and ended up behind him. I planned to pass him as quickly as possible, but he glanced back and saw me coming, so he swerved his bike to the left to block my path. I sped up and zipped around him, yelling "What are you doing?" as I passed. He punched me in the shoulder (very weakly).

I'm assuming his intentions were most likely to steal my expensive-looking bike. (Not sure what his plan was, since I'm a fit adult man, and he was a tweaked out, scrawny man-child.) Or he was just looking for a fight.

Far less likely is that he was trying to stop me to talk to me, try to sell me drugs or something, and punched because he was angry I yelled and blew past him. Or he was on drugs and wanted to turn around, and thought he had more time. (I don't think so since he definitely saw me as he was veering and seemed to go out of his way to block me, and after the incident he continued going the same direction as me.)

I'm processing the incident, and am generally thankful it went as it did, and he didn't have a knife, or have a strong punch, and that he wasn't successful in stopping me. I've been running through it to learn from it, and to better understand how to keep myself safe in the future. I'd love to hear your thoughts on what I could do better next time.

What I did right (I think)-----------

Noticed the sketchy tweaker and recognized him as a threat

Took the strategy of running away rather than stopping

Resisted temptation to curse him out once I was past him, rode away quickly

What I did wrong (I think)-----------

Ignored my instinct (I should've stopped or turned around at first vibes, shouldn't have followed him)

I'm curious to know if you have any ideas about what could help in this situation. I think the key strategy was correct--to get away--but my main curiosity is what happens if he had successfully blocked me, and I was forced to stop. It seems like too late at that point to reach for pepper spray or any other kind of weapon. I'm not trained in self-defense/martial arts.

A second, scarier question would be how to handle that scenario if he'd stopped me when I was with my ten-year-old son biking.

Submitted July 03, 2024 at 12:10AM by bonsaitreehugger

What to use if u cant use a gun

I just moved to arizona from California and within a few weeks of living here i had a gun pulled on me during a road rage incident while doing instacart (i was backing out slowly and some hood dude was speeding through the parking lot and got mad when he almost hit us, he brake checked us / blocked us in and got out of his car and started waving a gun around saying “u wanna get f*** up today”

This incident made me realize theres more guns here than i thought there was. I would get a gun myself however i was 5150 in my home state of California and spent a week in inpatient in 2021 so i technically cannot own a gun legally, i was considering getting a pepper ball gun or something similar , i currently use a cold steel ti lite 6inch bladed knife for self defense but so many people here seem to conceal carry there guns so its not as effective as it was in California, at this point im debating if just getting something like a small derringer or antique looking gun would be worth it and just take my chances until my dumb 5 year ban is up. It seems better than getting gunned down by a angry hood dude for something as dumb as road rage. But at the same time it makes no sense you can get all that time just for merely owning a gun because youve been to a mental hospital some years ago. They are basically making it the same thing as being caught with a gun as a felon. Ive never been convicted of a felony only mental health issues that alot of americans have themselves

Is there anyone else with a recent 5150 or baker act? What do you use for self defense? And please dont say “a good pair of running shoes and a flashlight” because that tactic is completely useless when someone is pointing a glock with a red dot sight from freaking call of duty at your face

Submitted July 02, 2024 at 02:46AM by wowwheredyafindthis

Monday, July 1, 2024

Self defense, what should I carry?

Is it worth it to have both pepper spray and a stun gun or should I just have the spray? Maybe a bright flashlight?

Submitted July 02, 2024 at 01:02AM by AFlightlessBird_19

Assaulted and Robbed, looking for advice

3 days ago (Friday) I (M 19) and my friend (F 19) were attacked and robbed on our way to school by two men on a motorcycle. We had just stepped out of a bus and had to make our way through a short street which led to a road and our school just across that road. The men on the motorcycle had passed us through the street but turned around and then attacked us it all happened so quickly, they didn't ask for our belongings just kept hitting me in the face even though I told them just take my bags because I didn't want to escalate the situation with my friend being there after one of them implied he had a weapon. They eventually made away with my bags, but my friend held on to hers but got a few minor scrapes on her knee. I didn't experience an adrenaline rush nor did i freeze which i'm not sure why fight or flight didn't kick in. Though running probably wouldn't have been smart with the ongoing vehicles using the road I'm looking for advice as this is a route I usually take to school on a daily basis and not sure what to do. What could I have done differently?

Submitted July 01, 2024 at 04:13PM by Thin-Ice_9

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Self defense when you're a big guy?

I'm 6'1" tall, weigh around 300lbs. I'm a very chill guy, but I live in a bad neighborhood with groups of alcoholics roaming the streets, and I walk to work, when shopping, and recreationally, so I'm feeling vulnerable.

When I tried looking for self defense videos, it found around 30 videos "how to win a fight against a large guy" and none the other way around. So now I feel even worse, knowing everyone around me can be well trained on how to mess me up, while I'm left clueless and defenseless.

Are there any videos showing how a big person can use their size and weight in self defense? Any tips?

Submitted June 29, 2024 at 11:30AM by Luentale

Friday, June 28, 2024

How to realistically train using pepper spray?

I wonder if people do high pressure sparring with some type of dummy training sprays. Seems to me that if you have never used it under pressure before, you may fuck up when you need to do it in a real life of death situation

Submitted June 28, 2024 at 06:10AM by Proud-Addition4662

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Real life experiences with expandable batons?

I noticed that the topic of expandable batons is a highly polarizing one for some reason. Seemingly based almost exlusively on conjecture, people make entire videos about how ineffective and useless these weapons are. Among other arguements, I often see people pointing out expandable batons are flimsy hollow pipes with lack of structural integrity and weight to be an effective impact weapon.

Now I can't help but notice that most if not all of these claims are made by people who have never used a baton.

I was hoping to find some real life anecdotes by people who have actually used one in a real life violent altercation.

Submitted June 28, 2024 at 01:52AM by Proud-Addition4662

I need some thing to defend myself

Hello guys, my city os going trough a lot off violence, people beating guys like 5 guys beating 1... Violations... A lot off shit

I need something to defend my self like something that goes on my pocket ir my hand

Sorry my English, its not my lenguage

Submitted June 27, 2024 at 09:09AM by texugogordo

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Fight Techniques Everyone Should know

Submitted June 26, 2024 at 05:05PM by EmmanueliMadzoh

Knife Pulled Night

This happened to me a few days back and I’ve been thinking about it. I am going into grade 10, and live in Canada. Anyways, it was night time on my e-scooter and I saw two kids I recognized from school, who I’ve known for a while. I stopped to say hello, but they pulled out switchblades and put it to my neck saying to give the scooter. They ended up saying it was a joke and laughed and I went on my way. I just felt so vulnerable in the situation. What if that happens to me again? What can I even do when it’s two of them? I could’ve given the scooter if they were serious since I knew where to find them for the police. But I wanted to get some opinions. Thank you!

Submitted June 26, 2024 at 09:35AM by RevolutionaryDrop321

Seeking advice

Hello. As per title, I'm seeking advice or validation on what martial art to start in order to be viable to defend myself in the streets (no interest in agonism) as at the moment I frankly am not very strong (I can grapple a little bit but still I have not much strength). I know I won't learn everything in a month so I'm searching long term

I realised (yeah, too late even) that being diplomatic, lowering the gaze and being ALWAYS kind is the only option I have and is NOT the solution: I'm not condoning violence in an absolute sense but applying the total opposite of the balance isn't viable either with some bacteria-like people here in Europe, so I'd basically like to be able to break a few mouths and teeth (sorry for the raw terms but I needed to unholster them to get the message across)

I was thinking about a combination of martial arts like jiujitsu for a good year and then an additional 12 months of boxing with resuming/sharpening jiujitsu. In this way I would be prepared on the ground and on my feet.

In this viable or are there adjustements to be thought of?

Thanks for any advice

Submitted June 26, 2024 at 07:46AM by Askercurious96

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Question about security

I am going to an amusement park in a few days where the security they have is just metal detectors. The issue is I’m taking the train and it goes through a few pretty bad areas (Hard drug use out in the open, homeless encampments, people say gang activity) The works. Realistically I know I probably won’t get attacked or anything but I want to take my knife with me just in case. It’s small (about 2.5 inches) and it just feels better to have it on me. The issue is I don’t think anybody is driving there so I don’t have a car to put it in when I get there. If I could get it in with a bag or something I obviously wouldn’t take it out or anything but I just don’t have anywhere to put it while I’m in the park. Does anybody have any suggestions.

Submitted June 25, 2024 at 05:52PM by J4K3Y3738

Top fighters never ejaculate before big fights

Submitted June 25, 2024 at 12:15PM by Europa_Teles_BTR

Am I pus*y? I called bodyguard in fight.

Hey guys, last night me and my 2 friends went to some pub and then my friend get drunk and when we was smoking cigs outside my friend begin to punch my second friend because he tell him his gf is whore.

The problem is he was not defending himself so much only put hands in front of his face..

Instead of me putting them apart (catch attacker for his chest from behind and tell him to calm down) do u know what I did?

I went inside to the pub/bar and called bodyguard that my friend is beating up my second friend and then he put them apart..

Do you think it was pussy move? I feel ashamed that I dont calm them down but I was afraid he will start attacking me also :D He was still punching him and I was just afraid.

What do you think?

Submitted June 25, 2024 at 11:44AM by CuteFatRat

Monday, June 24, 2024

Fear is the most deadly/useless emotion for humans

If there was a operation I could get to erase fear completely from my amygdala & leave rage/aggression I would do it if I could afford it 100%.

Fear, shock & freezing gets people killed by attackers all the fucking time. Even some trained people who can't seem to master theyre brain.

Myself included I've been training & sparring for over 20 years and when I was younger I got hospitalized twice by some fucking retarded bums who never faught in they're life and attacked me in a Savage Rage when I didn't know what was happening. If it wasn't for fear & shock trying to freeze me up when I was in a unavoidable life or death situation I 100% would've put those retards in a wheel chair & not be living with injuries & ptsd till this day.

I humans didn't have fear but just used they're intellect to discern wether or not something dangerous shouldn't be engaged or not it would be way better for survival. Because when someone or a animal is already going to attack you and you can't run freezing or shunting means you die because you can't use effective techniques or be explosive enough to fight or get away.

I'm just venting ofcourse but I seriously wish we didn't have this dumb ass evolutionary quick that could mean wasting time & money training or worse your life. Because if your naturally a person who gets intimidated by raging attackers even after practicing hard sparring then in the street you'll be fucked & get hurt. Or maybe it's just me idk..we should have evolved to get enraged when posed with danger honestly & learned to use intellectual and skill ontop of that. That would've been a better trait to have even if you end up dying you would've had a way higher chance than if your fighting through fear & shock.

I was even looking up drugs that could turn fear off that I maybe could take in a dangerous situation I knew was coming. I know that's not optimal but idk I hate that knee jerk fear response and fighting through it & getting fucked up anyway even with years of blood, sweat, tears & money spent in the gym.

Submitted June 24, 2024 at 07:37PM by Wise-Intention-5550

Junkie spits on your girl. What do you do?

I was on a first date with a lady, absolutely stunning, elegant woman. We were sitting on a bench at this park, and this junkie comes up to us and tries to sell us drugs. I kindly ask him to leave. He mumbles some incoherent jibberish, spits on my lady and walks off.

Of course, I stand up for my woman, as in I literally stand up and tell him what the fuck. Now if this was a regular guy, chances are I would‘ve probably swung at him. But I looked into his eyes and saw the lights were on, but nobody‘s home. He’s barely there. It would be like punching a child in the face and I decide to leave it. I feel terribly sorry for the woman but I don‘t know what else to do. I don‘t if I should text her anything about this after the date, honestly I wouldn‘t know what to say.

How would you have reacted in this situation?

Submitted June 24, 2024 at 04:13PM by alanwattscrackin

Is adrenaline a false sense of power& you'll tire?

I feel that initial hit of adrenaline might feel good and that you think you're superman but I heard people aren't aware that it doesn't last , swinging as hard as you can doesn't equate to KO, and you'll gas before you know it. Not that you can predict everything but if this is how the average person fights in the streets I feel its a good reference to have.

Submitted June 24, 2024 at 02:22PM by spankyourkopita

Self defense options for women?

I'm 22M and my ex 21F is currently living in Iowa.  We are on good terms so we talk fairly often and she's constantly coming to me upset about the person or people who perved on her that day.

She's had a rough life and doesn't have a great functional family so right now she's forced to live with a much older relative who she was very close to until he also told her he had feelings for her, so now she can't even trust him.

She is probably about 5'6" and 140lb, she's always been a pretty fit girl with some good muscle but I've suggested multiple times that she gets a weapon of some kind, whether pepper spray, a taser, or whatever. 

But today after hearing her talk about being creeped on by a customer and stared at by some older male coworkers, I straightup told her to go online and figure out what she wanted for self defense and I'd send her the money for it. 

But I realized afterwards that I want to help make sure she makes the best choice on what to buy. So I'd really appreciate all the tips I can get about what's most reliable, what's most effective, what's easy to use, the pros and cons of different types of self defense weapons, etc.  I just really want to make sure this girl is safe.


PS: We've had two or three very brief conversations about her getting a gun and I don't know her exact thoughts on it but I don't think she feels fully comfortable carrying a lethal firearm.  That being said, I will talk to her about if getting a gun is out of the question, but if she's willing to get one, then I'll be doing much more research than just a reddit post to help her decide on one

Submitted June 24, 2024 at 03:55AM by Samg527

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Road rage. Still vivid.

Upfront: this happened about 15 years ago.

I was driving to work (in a work truck) on a major interstate. Some guy in an SUV perceived me as doing something to piss him off. He started getting right on my bumper, and then getting a lane over to the left and actively trying to bumper/pit maneuver me. So I accelerated through the situation and got to about 120 on the freeway. Didn’t think to call the cops. I was young and ignorant.

He followed me and kept up through traffic. I took the next exit, it was green. Opened up to 3 lanes in either direction. Hit the next red light and I was the front car of the intersection in the middle lane. He drove in the wrong lane to get around everyone and cuts across blocking me in T style at the light. I’m in the middle lane, surrounded by cars. Nowhere to go. His car in the middle of the intersection blocking me in.

He gets out. Walks to my door and starts pulling on the handle and banging my window saying he’s going to kill me and this and that. Thankfully the work truck had auto locking doors.

Because of my job, I worked in remote places alone. So I kept a pistol in a pelican case on the passenger seat or on my person. In this instance, it was in the case on the seat.

I didn’t say a word, or react brashly. Just quietly reached over, opened the case, and racked a round. Didn’t point it at him, didn’t say anything. Just prepared for if he were to break the barrier of my vehicle.

He started spewing off about how I was brandishing a weapon and that it was felony, this that and the other. I don’t remember the words exactly, I had other things going through my head. He mentioned his kids in the car and his wife was recording with her phone. I just remember thinking his wife was going to record something he’d not want her to record. Or his kids to see.

Light turns green, cars around me move forward. With the open traffic, I shift lanes and drive around his parked vehicle to continue forward. He runs to his car and follows me another 2-3 miles before finally flipping a u-turn and disappearing.

About 10 minutes later I get a call from my boss saying the police called them regarding my vehicle and to expect a call from the PD.

PD calls about 5 minutes later. At this point the adrenaline is gone and I’m emotionally wrecked. Knowing what just happened and how it could have gone.

I explain everything as above to the officer. The officer has the audacity to say “no, you were in the right, but call us next time after it’s over”.

It’s one of those things I can see, feel, hear. Crystal clear many years later wondering how the hell it happened. Wondering what I did wrong to piss him off. Wondering what the trigger was. And wondering how my life would be different if the doors on my truck weren’t locked and windows rolled up.

Submitted June 22, 2024 at 08:55PM by shabuki133

CMV: Boxing and BJJ are bad for self-defense.

I just joined this community and it seems like a great sub. Ethical, thoughtful about self-defense.

In a post where someone was asking for self-defense advice, I saw some people suggesting MMA or going to a boxing gym. I thought I'd stop and try to contribute something useful in case a lot of people in this community have that kind of idea.

Imo if self-defense is the priority it's counterproductive, or at least not optimal, to build muscle memory for BJJ or boxing or anything else that involves rules.

I don't mean any disrespect to boxers and wrestlers! Just saying, we only get to have one set of automatic responses we program into ourselves for flow state.

Boxing can never be ideal, because you get a habit of not expecting him to shoot for a leg takedown.

BJJ can never be ideal, because you get a habit of letting him get his hands on you.

If the priority is self-defense, amount of time we spend practicing should be on the most effective strategy. Boxing and wrestling are not viable for consideration as the most effective strategies, because they have rules.

Even one little rule changes everything. In MMA you're not allowed to attack the eyes. But in real self-defense one of the most likely things you'll do is attack the eyes.

It's good to build muscle memory with Wing Chun and Krav Maga. Many people think Wing Chun is not effective - because it doesn't work in MMA. But MMA is not fighting. Wing Chun is about killing.

I remember someone saying, "Wing Chun can't stop a power double" (leg takedown)". But a Wing Chun person who has done some Jungian shadow integration might put his fingertips through your neck when you do your power double.

I wonder what ideas you have about this? Serious self-defense is not flashy, and the practitioner has to settle on a small number of strategies and ways of moving. Practice those over and over, and program them in.

Submitted June 22, 2024 at 04:20PM by FreelancerChurch

Friday, June 21, 2024

Fox Labs 5.3 vs Mean Green

I carry pepper spray for self defense (living in Europe) and can't get the 1.4 from Fox I carry the Sabre Red Crossfire for stream but I like cones too, and Sabre Red is mostly streams and gels. So for cone sprays I went with Fox, but I have trouble deciding on which formula to buy. The Mean Green is 1.22% MC, while the 5.3 is only around 0.7% and I heard that they don't use their very effective TCE solvent now. In theory that makes the Mean Green hotter, but on their website they say the 5.3 is 'hotter' than the Mean Green. Is this just marketing BS or is the Mean Green less hot? I'm kinda lost now.

Submitted June 21, 2024 at 12:10PM by Ambitious-Drawer5581

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Dog Defense Tools

Here’s the situation: My wife and I walk our dog around our neighborhood every day in the morning and evening. The people are not a problem in the least but a lot of people get a bit too relaxed and leave their dogs off-leash in their front yards. In the past 2 years we’ve had 4 dog attack scenarios. In 3 of these, the offending dog went for our much smaller oblivious dog. Usually the owner runs out within 10-50 seconds of realizing their dog is being aggressive but not before the dog is well into biting distance.

My wife and I both carry pepper spray, but what has happened every time without fail is that we turn a blind corner or an alley and the aggressive dog is usually no farther than 20 feet, and gives no warning before breaking into a full sprint with intent to bite and kill our smaller dog. Anyone familiar with the 21 foot rule would understand why this is a very tall order to assume we could draw our pepper spray and spray down the dog before it already clamped down on either our dog or one of us.

Yes we have called animal control. Yes we have called the police. Our neighborhood is poor and our sheriffs and animal control is underfunded so basically the law doesn’t do anything about it and moron owners continue to leave their dogs off leash. We can’t afford a CCW and a gun right now, nor do we feel it necessary to warrant firing a gun in a crowded neighborhood over an ill-mannered dog.

What is the best weapon to carry for this sort of scenario? I’m carrying a 7” bladed knife but disemboweling a dog in front of its owner is very much a last-ditch scenario. I thought of either using a walking stick, a collapsable baton, or an old school leather sap as something between pepper spray and combat knife. Any input would be very much appreciated, my wife, doggie and I are fed up with this.

Submitted June 20, 2024 at 06:55PM by iron_whargoul

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Courses of self defense

Does anyone have complete valuable courses including videos of most self defense techniques?

Submitted June 19, 2024 at 11:19AM by Abdelrahman_Mohsen

Saturday, June 15, 2024

what type of arm lock is this ?

as the title, what type of arm lock is this and how can you defend against it? from

Submitted June 15, 2024 at 11:22PM by shailan_gsa

Friday, June 14, 2024

Self defense help

Ok so I had my landlord point a gun into my face because he is tweaking and is hearing voices and thinks that I'm harboring some girl that he says hides in his basement and all this shit like that so my question is if that happens agin and I pull my 9mm out and kill him in fear for my life will I be arrested. I already made a police report so they know this is going on. He is impossible to reason with I told him to come in and look around and he says "no you could've snuck her out already" his mind is just grasping for straws to give him a reason to do something crazy he said "I been out shooting my gun already" as he points it right into my face

Submitted June 15, 2024 at 12:15AM by Psychedelic_Zoo

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Why do i get intimidated by someone's appearance?

Even though i know martial arts and know i can defend myself

I always find myself on edge when i see someone who i find intimidating (tattoos , bigger than me) or when they are testing me by looking at me asserting thier dominance Though i get intimidated i know i can defend myself the thing is

how do i fix this ? how should i react to feeling intimidated?

I purposely avoid eye contact with them to avoid myself getting into a state of adrenaline or "on edge" ready to fight but then i feel like a wussy purposely avoiding eye contact.

I get tested a lot... to the point i just avoid eye contact or stopped looking around cause either someone will be staring or someone will think i'm trying to test them though i'm not. (only happens at gym) does piss me off

Is this fixable ?

Submitted June 13, 2024 at 10:25PM by iii_fly

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Froze during a confrontation.


Submitted June 10, 2024 at 12:43AM by Urvan2020

can I learn online & practice on myself

Hi I want to if I can learn it from online and other sources of courses. How and where I can practice it to improve it. Before applying and practicing is the key to learn.

Here in my area I don't think we have like minded people

Submitted June 09, 2024 at 06:32AM by shadow--404

Best personal protection

I'm looking for another option for a personal protection device that's smaller in size. I have a kimber blaster that has 2 shots of a pepper gel. I feel very comfortable carrying that im just seeing if anyone knows of something else thats similar? I'm looking for non lethal and I wonder if there's some kind of small projectile gun that's again small in size? Thx

Submitted June 09, 2024 at 04:43AM by kloyoh

Saturday, June 8, 2024

De-escalation/Defense Against Police?

I couldn’t find any posts about this on this sub, so I thought I’d start the conversation. What do you do when an officer is becoming aggressive towards you? How can you de-escalate the situation and, if that fails, how can you defend yourself against them?

Submitted June 09, 2024 at 12:51AM by Shrewdilus

I Can't Fight (fear)

i'm a 22 year old male, i think of myself as a coward when it comes to being able to fight in situations where i can defend myself, i get sooo afraid and fear and anxiety inside me get too big in that moment so i give the other person what he wants or i run away... Even when my girlfriend is with me and we face a situation like that, i feel soo much shame and bad about myself.

It may be linked to the fact that i was raised by a single mom who always tells me that fighting is so dangerous and tells me to run away... till i developed this intense fear of fight situations, i have a good physique and when i fight with my friends (not real fights that cause damage, just playing) i find that i really have some good skills, but idk why i still can't face these situations to defend myself (even if the other person is obviously very weak). Please HELP! How can i overcome this type of anxiety ? how can i get that capacity of masculine aggression and being able to fight and defend myself ?

and i would also appreciate it a lot if someone who overcame the same situations shares his experience with me.

Help please, thank you !

Submitted June 08, 2024 at 12:43PM by No-Caterpillar-9990

Friday, June 7, 2024

Can anyone kindly analyze the video.

Submitted June 07, 2024 at 04:50AM by dafrankenstein2

Best knife for self defense

What’s the best knife for self defense under 100$? Recently realized my mma training doesn’t fair too well against a crackhead with a knife then realized me with a knife plus mma training definetly has better chances

Submitted June 07, 2024 at 02:10AM by LegitimateHalf5599

Thursday, June 6, 2024

How can i fix this ?

whenever im in public at the gas station or just walking by a sketchy guy or a sketchy person is walking towards me( i tend to notice the threat from afar ) when they come up to talk to me my adrenaline instantly starts pumping is this a guy thing ?

my issue is when my adrenaline starts kicking in i practice bieng mindful and bieng in the present rather than letting my adrenaline kick in however as i'm doing that and the person who i think is a threat is talking to me my body will ease the adrenaline but my mind freezes almost like i just blanked out no thoughts or anything i just freeze...

How can i fix this ? what's the best approach on these scenarios? keep in my mind i know BJJ but i haven't mastered that aspect of the issue i described. One would think martial arts can help with that but what do you guys think can help ?

I'm curious to know we're any of you like this ever ? if so can you train through this ?

Submitted June 06, 2024 at 03:55AM by iii_fly

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Im so done with my twin so i am defending myself

ok the title is a lot but basically my twin (14F) drove me (14F) to lots of mental and physical issues. My twin has hit me/ kicked me/ bit me before out of pure rage. About a week ago she punched me square in the back and upon turning around and blocking a few punches she seriously hit me in the jaw and gave me good bruises on my blocking arm (no major injuries just sore+ hurting). Tonight after recapping it for the hundredth time, i guess i just decided i am done. I am going to defend myself next time. I know how to block punches and how to properly hit but does anyone have any tips on other blocking/ defense methods? I promise im not going to seriously injure her and i will only be defending myself i am just done collecting bruises and cuts from her. I also cant use my left forearm or shoulder as i have cuts there that will be there for a week or so and idk when she is going to rage attack me next. I also have a decent amount of upper/ lower body muscle due to color guard training and conditioning

Submitted June 06, 2024 at 12:08AM by Justaperson_00

How should I train and regain confidence?

I(23M) have been a victim of a violent stabbing 6 months ago. I was stabbed 9 times in the head and once in my shoulder while I was at work by a random guy I did not know. I never said anything to him prior and he got me when my back was turned. Luckily the knife was small and he couldn’t fight but he was a lot bigger than me. I’ve been able to seemingly make a full recovery and I have no major physical issues!!! Thank God!

Then three weeks ago, at work again in a different area. A couple of guys came into my workplace with ARs and started shooting at everyone. Three people were shot. One guy was hit in the neck. The shootout was long and lasted about 2-3 minutes long of security and them shooting back and forth.

These events have rattled me into feeling inadequate to protect myself and my family (10 month baby and fiance) as I am a beginner in Bjj (started a few months after the stabbing). I’ve been going to therapy for PTSD for a few months as well and it’s helped. However, I still feel like a victim everyday and not in control of my own life anymore.

I own a few firearms but I only go occasional shooting at the local range and this doesn’t feel like training, more like a sport. I want to get into more intense firearms training and after the shooting event I don’t feel confident anymore in bjj as some attackers will have knives or guns as I’ve experienced. So I’m not sure where to go from here with my training to feel confident in myself and comfortable in my surroundings.

I reside in Georgia so if you know any clubs or places to train, I’d love to give it a try.

Thank you all!!!

Submitted June 05, 2024 at 08:55PM by Xsaberninja

What self-defense tool do you've in your vehicle?

I usually keep a knife and a bat in the trunk, beside a first-aid kit. I've never had to use them before or had any problems with cops seeing them.

Submitted June 05, 2024 at 12:02PM by Lifegoesonforever

Monday, June 3, 2024

Tips for a woman

I’ve done a self defence course, but being a woman my strength is really less than any man. If I find myself in a position where I absolutely have to fight and get to safety what are some good tips for me to fight dirty. I won’t be able to do anything fancy or things which include martial arts etc… I’m going to have to do whatever I have to and fight dirty. Thanks.

Submitted June 03, 2024 at 07:30AM by wishingjessiesgirl

Sunday, June 2, 2024

byrna any good?

is byrna any good? I see some negative reviews on Amazon - not pursuaded w quality of the product - it sounds like it lets you down when you need it.

Submitted June 02, 2024 at 08:25PM by dondonquixote

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Anyone here carries all 3 : pepper, knife & gun?

Looking for self defense ideas especially when I go on walks. Is it a stupid idea to carry all 3 to cover all ranges of situations? Anyone done this ? Is it too inconvenient?

Submitted June 01, 2024 at 12:26PM by moelsh

Male or female instructors for women self defense?

Is there a preference when teaching women self defense? I was discussing holding self defense classes for ladies and someone got really aggravated with me that men have no place teaching women self defense, they did not say why specifically but they insinuated it was due to the close intimate nature of some training and that it could upset women with past trauma.

Appreciate your insights

Submitted June 01, 2024 at 07:49AM by Hrlyrckt2001

Friday, May 31, 2024

How do you defend yourself against a knife attack?

I get that ideally you should run away from the attacker. But the question is, how? Run in a straight line? Zig-zag? Run to the nearest hiding place so that you're out of the attacker's sight, and then call the police?

Also, how would you know if a random person was going to attack you with a knife? Does being paranoid/overly-cautious whenever you see a person you think might be up to no good help?

Submitted May 31, 2024 at 02:24PM by RiverStream456

Why carry a knife when you can carry a gun?

I am a male that trains in BJJ, weight lifting, and I am 185lbs.

I believe that one should train to be able to handle all unarmed assailants with their body alone.

If an assailant is armed with any kind of weapon and is putting my life in danger, I will deploy my concealed carry firearm.

If an assailant is armed and within 21 feet, I will try to defend against their weapon and deploy my firearm when I have the chance to.

Thus, I question why carry anything else other than your fists and a gun? If I don't want to take the life of an assailant I can just use my body. If they have a weapon and I still don't want to take their life, I can shoot them in the leg/abdomen away from vital organs. If I was 110 lbs, perhaps a pepper spray alongside a gun will work. But in my current situation, is there a need to carry anything else? Why even carry a knife if you have a gun and your fists?

Submitted May 31, 2024 at 03:17AM by Nearby-Many8180

How can I legally defend myself?

Without going into too much detail, me and my family have been getting threats and stalked by a drug addict for a while now and the police aren’t helping beyond “if they do something there’s a report on them so there’ll be bigger consequences” which is great except i I feel like we’re all just waiting around to get stabbed 🤦‍♂️ They know roughly where I live and work, and I want to feel safe going to and from work. I know it’s illegal in Australia, or at least definitely in NSW, to have pepper spray or tasers or even those self defence sticks. Is there any everyday objects you guys can recommend that I can carry A) easily, and be able to store in my work locker B) without getting into legal trouble

Someone I know suggested a small can of spray deodorant but I’m not sure how affective it would be and I don’t want to waste time making my stalker smell good if I do end up attacked. Any ideas are appreciated.

Submitted May 30, 2024 at 10:54PM by DizzybellDarling

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Two stories of people hurting my cat

Please note that I was raised to respect my elders. Basically, I was raised in a way that makes me a subordinate to anyone who biologically older than me. That sort of thing.

Story 1:

So, I am at my Mom’s birthday party with my girlfriend at the time. The other party goers are the parents of my then girlfriend, and, obviously, my Mom. My sweet little kitty cat is NOT all that young, so, yeah. I figure that IS an important detail.

So, anyway, we are just doing our own thing, and I am sitting with my girlfriend, where, for some reason, my cat decided to jump behind my Dad, who is sitting in a recliner. I just whispered to my girlfriend that my cat was going to give my Dad some kisses. I hoped to have THAT as a memory. But, NO. Of course not! Immediately, my Dad decided that it would be a "brilliant" or "FUNNY" idea to do this bucking bronco thing to make my cat hit the ground. Hard. As soon as the cat hit the floor, I was stunned to see my Dad and my girlfriend’s parents LAUGHING THEIR ASSES OFF to the fact that my cat hit the ground. I gave my Dad a stone cold look, and said "Not impressed", and THOUGHT THAT WAS THE END of the stupidity. Once again, I was proven WRONG. My cat jumped behind my Dad a second time, probably to give him a second chance. My Dad did the stupid thing again (bucking bronco, best I can describe it), only for my cat to not fall. Then, my Dad decided to recline, and he does it at a nice, SLOW pace. At first. After I think that my Dad was FINALLY coming to his senses, he STUPIDLY accelerates hard, forcing my cat to hit the ground. Once again, uproarious laughter from my Dad and my girlfriend’s parents. NOBODY ELSE. I react the same way. "Not impressed" I say with a frown.

Anyway, comes dessert time, and everyone enjoys it. Now, you probably think I contaminated my Dad’s dessert, but, I wouldn’t do, not even as an act of revenge. Instead, when comes the time to pick up the plates, I pick up everybody’s plates, EXCEPT for my Dad, and he points out that I didn’t pick up HIS plate. I made sure he knew that my choice was deliberate. I said to him "You want to be cold?", referring to the atrocities that have been inflicted upon my cat. It is important to know that, after the second act of stupidity, my cat was AFRAID of approaching the crowd. In fact, I checked up on her in my room, and she was very afraid. She didn’t act defensively against me, and I just wrapped her in one of my robes to comfort her, and she could enjoy my scent.

Probably going to post this in "Am I the asshole", but, I get the feeling that the majority of readers will side with me.

Story 2: Girlfriend’s dog attacks my cat. I stop it in an instant!

Yes, my cat is ATTACKED.

This happened after the story in the initial post.

So, I am with the same girlfriend, and she is driving me on the snowmobile on the property. However, she ends up tipping the snowmobile, and breaks her wrist. At the time, we did NOT know it.

Anyway, I just stay with her to comfort my girlfriend about the accident, and I hear a VERY nerve wracking proposition. "Let’s get the dog and the cat to play. By the by, the dog is BIG, and is triggered by smaller animals that growl at her. I try to warn them that it’s NOT a good idea. The dog’s family KNOWS that the dog is danger to smaller animals who growl at her - THEY have told ME about their dog being triggered by smaller animals growling at her, which baffles me. I know my cat is territorial, since… she’s a cat. Anyway, it’s not long before I hear the dreaded sound of the dog barking at my sweet kitty. I BOLT to the scene, and strike the dog just hard enough to stop her. However, the dog attempts to CLAMP HER JAWS AROUND MY CAT'S HEAD. I separated the jaws to force the dog to release my cat (no worries-my cat is still alive). I shove the dog away to the dog’s human family, and I darkly said "Let this stupid shit happen again, and I won’t be so nice." Prior to the shove, EVERYONE WATCHING was just standing there like statues. I am a bit fuzzy about if I flipped the bird/double bird at the dog, but, I remember that I DEFINITELY considered it. That is just how fast THAT happened.

Now, fast forward to when we are going to the hospital. I overheard someone say "I guess the dog won’t play with the cat ever again", to which I shouted "Fucking told you so!"

Not sure if I flipped the bird at the dog after the shove, but, I definitely have considered it.

Submitted May 28, 2024 at 01:40PM by SonAmyFan362

Looking for stun gun alternatives.

In Michigan, Stun guns are illegal while tasers are legal with the addition of a pistol license. It's pretty windy here most days and I don't trust pepper spray. What are some possible alternatives?

Just everyday items I can carry with me that work just like a stun gun.

Submitted May 28, 2024 at 12:34PM by ChaoticDominance

Self defenses tools for healthcare workers?

I’m working as a nutritionist at my local hospital, they said we are allowed to carry pepper gel as long as it is concealed, anything else that is concealed that i should need.. glad breaker..etc..?

Submitted May 28, 2024 at 10:54AM by skippingstar

Certification For Instructor

Hello all,

I’m making a career shift and want to work as a self defense instructor. I already have a job as an assistant instructor at a local taekwondo studio but my personal experience with martial arts is more varied than just TKD. I’ve been having trouble finding a reliable certification to accredit myself. Any recommendations?

Submitted May 28, 2024 at 11:01AM by Mojoex12

Monday, May 27, 2024

Plastic Bag Over Your Head Scenario?

So I was watching a horror movie where the killer puts a bag over the woman’s head in order to suffocate her and she immediately starts panicking and screaming and I thought well that’s a terrible idea you’re gonna use up all your air etc. Then I got to thinking well is it possible to survive after someone tries to suffocate you with a bag? I have this crazy fear/anxiety that i could be kidnapped, and m*rdered, for context I’m F21, so I feel like it’s valid. I’m just worried I’ll be snatched up somehow IDK. My mind is constantly making sure I’m aware of my surroundings so I try to think of scenarios and how I’d get out of them so if I ever encountered them I’d have SOMEWHAT of a plan. I realize I may sound crazy but I’m just curious. Like is there a way to fake out the killer and calm my breathing in order to not suffocate? I also hope this doesn’t fall into non-realistic self defense/pseudoscience because it’s just my mind thinking!!

Submitted May 27, 2024 at 08:22PM by newtothisshit20

Best martial art skill/s to learn post-fifty?

Is there an enjoyable to learn martial art post age fifty ie to maintain effective self defense skills?

Considering Krav maga, Muay Thai, jiu jitsu. (Already have an LTC. Not interested in carrying a gun, too less so a blade).

Used to be an adequately capable guy. I know now injuries have piled up, upper body strength is way down, conditioning is way down.

Writing is in the wall and I want to feel confidence in my ability to protect myself against eg a random average aggressive drunk.

So I stay with it I want to enjoy the learning process and gradually improve my stamina and strength. A former wrestler I enjoy competition.


Submitted May 27, 2024 at 02:38PM by FormalOpportunity668

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Grabbed a knife blade

So recently in amoungst a bunch of drinking someone thought it would be funny or that he would try and intimidate me with holding a knife to me as I was sitting down and he was standed.

I had been drinking myself. I grabbed the blade and squeezed. He immediately realised I was reacting not how he wanted and if I can remember right it kind of just diffused itself with onlookers saying things, and I must of eventually let go, I'm not cut so he obviously didn't pull the knife out hard or try to. I'm sure he was shocked more than I was by me grabbing it. Everything was OK after, and only now I'm thinking if that was someone attacking for real how much worse that could have been.

Any thoughts on what to do as all I thought was grab the blade, and wait, if he didn't show he was playing around and cut my hand I believe I would of tried to wrestle the knife by exploding out my seat. But in reality he just kind of gave up after I grabbed it, I could feel that he was concerned about cutting my hand or escalating further myself, so I for better or worse loosened my grip and the whole thing was forgotten about.

Looking back, though, I don't like how I reacted. If this was for real, by grabbing the blade, I could have triggered an all-out knife attack? As surely, they wouldn't just show me a knife if they really wanted to stab me. They would just do it. But I just grabbed it and waited for his next reaction. He made me believe that it wasn't the right call escalating any further unless he pulled hard enough to cut my hand. But I'm now thinking I should have either not touched the knife and just used words, or when I did grab it, I should of full on went into attack mode. I didn't know the guy well and that he wasn't serious.

What's you guys thoughts? I'm a bit unsettled by the whole thing, knowing that I may have just gotten myself killed if this were a serious attack and not some drunk idiot fooling around.

I never believed in training knife defense, but I do believe that now I need to make a call with how I'd react in the future if I'm ever that unlucky. Talk and hope for the best or grab and fight. I feel like I didn't commit because I suspected that deep down, he was bluffing and didn't want to risk turning things real. But I could have been wrong. But it does seem like I lucked out in my decision this time

Submitted May 26, 2024 at 10:29PM by MxdMartialart_crafts

Why do women always go for the balls?

I (28M) recently got into a krav maga class where most of the people are females. The teacher requested us to wear cups, but most people don't, so I thought it wasn't really necessary. It's been two weeks since I joined and I've already been hit in the balls like 4 times now. It's embarrassing being knocked down by a woman. Why don't women just play fair?

Submitted May 26, 2024 at 06:18PM by austinfranklin295

"Just run away"

There is a common thread in self defense where people advise running away or using some type of strike to hurt their opponent and then running away.

My question is, how good is the "average person" at doing this? How far and how fast can you run without being completely exhausted? Do you actually train running specifically for this scenario?

Submitted May 25, 2024 at 11:30PM by CTE-monster

Friday, May 24, 2024

I want to be told I've done the right thing

I want to be told i've done the right thing by someone other than my mum. I was having a cigarette on break from a bartending shift and saw a patron walking out, following a girl who was clearly distressed by his presence. Her saying something along the lines of; "go away, not interested". To which he was unphased by...

I sternly said "hey" to distract him so the lady could walk past me, as she did. This triggered a whole bunch of crap from him, getting within a few centimetres of my face and trying to provoke me into a fight.. you guys know how it is.

The part where i'm internally conflicted is: I just copped his verbal abuse, remaining silent (but not breaking eye-contact with him). I could smell his breath.

He was slightly taller than me but seemingly scrawnier. He didn't have a weapon, he had an empty plastic bottle in one his hands and a packet of chips in the other. The floor was wet, as it had just rained. The opportunity seemed perfect...

I can't help but feel as though I simply should've elbowed him, while he was in my face. Instead of allowing myself to be disrespected like that. Instead I did nothing and he got to walk away muttering something along the lines of; "that's what i thought" under his breath.

I feel kind of emasculated after telling my mates and hearing how they would've handled the situation...

At least the lady got to leave in peace i guess?

What should i have done/what would you guys have done? Thanks gang :)

Submitted May 24, 2024 at 06:48PM by AustralianSurfRock

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Best Self-Defense Art?

I’m 5’6” male. Average build. I’m getting married next year. My only goal is to protect my family, but I have little fighting experience. What self-defense art (ju-jitsu, MMA, etc.) do you feel is best suited to protect my familly against someone much bigger than me. And maybe they have a knife

No pepper spray, guns, etc. if I ever go to jail I want to be confident I can defend myself

Submitted May 23, 2024 at 05:03PM by corey658

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

What can I use to defend my family?


I live in a big city and, since having a child, have thought a lot about what would happen if someone broke into my home. We have a security system on all doors and windows, but I’m thinking worst case scenario where someone doesn’t care that an alarm is blaring. I’m not a big guy (under 5’ 6”) and I have no self defense training. I also don’t feel comfortable having a gun in the home. Is there another weapon that would require little training (I couldn’t fumble in a panic) and would stand up to someone twice my size?

Submitted May 21, 2024 at 11:44PM by IamKirill

Improvised, inconspicuous otem

I usually carry a tactical pen. We are going on another trip soon and I can't usually get it through airport security. We're not going anywhere unsafe (southern Europe) but I just like having something handy. I am a trained martial artist, and also a little older. Any good ideas?

Submitted May 21, 2024 at 08:19PM by specialPonyBoy

Best self defense firearm?

In a constitutional carry state. Oklahoma.

Submitted May 21, 2024 at 07:14PM by SignificantPea8021

Monday, May 20, 2024

What does Situational Awareness Training look like

What does a Situational Awareness Training curriculum typically consist of? What pedagogical techniques are used?

Submitted May 20, 2024 at 12:11PM by Pyropeace

Help me complete self defense tips

Hello everyone, I'm trying to complete some defense tips for the women at my family and friends as in my country (european one) sexual assaults to young women have raised a lot during the last 2 years.

I have separated the tips in two cathegories. The first one aims to help improve home security to avoid assaults at home. the second one tries to tackle street insecurity. Some of them are maybe too much, but want an as much complete list as possible). I have not included carrying a gun as in europe is not permited.

Home Security:

  1. Install an Alarm System: Connect it to the police, with vibration and door opening detectors, and volumetric detectors with glass break detection in the rooms.
  2. Perimeter Protection: This is important as it will give you response time and likely prevent intrusion into the house. Install motion-activated lights around the perimeter that illuminate the garden, leaving no dark spots.
  3. Perimeter Surveillance: Install volumetric detectors with cameras or security cameras around the perimeter. Ensure the footage is stored in a secure cloud or on a secure video recorder (in at least a grade 1 safe or a panic room).
  4. Panic Room: Install a panic room or designate an area for this purpose (such as the bedroom area) by installing an armored door and reinforcing the walls if they are made of wood (with brick/concrete/steel plates).
  5. High-Quality Locks: Install quality locks and cylinders with protective shields, and use armored or, preferably, reinforced doors.
  6. Backup Power: If you live in an isolated house or in a residential area, install a generator (protected if possible or in a difficult-to-access area to prevent sabotage) using fuel or batteries with some autonomy to avoid sabotage through electricity cuts.
  7. Guard Dog: If possible, have a dog.
  8. Firearms License: Getting a sports shooting license is relatively easy.
  9. Satellite Messenger: If you live in an isolated house, consider acquiring a satellite messenger with an SOS function (such as Garmin InReach, SPOT, etc.) or a satellite phone (which costs less than an iPhone). This way, if someone uses jammers to try to enter your house, you will still have a means of communication with the authorities.
  10. Lock Your Doors: When you are at home, lock the door with the key.
  11. Mailbox Anonymity: Do not put your name on the mailbox.

Safety Tips:

  1. Urban Area Vigilance: If you live in an urban area, it's a good idea to take a ride around the block before entering the parking lot to see if someone is following you or if you notice anything unusual.
  2. Parking Precaution: When approaching your parking garage, leave enough distance between your car and the entrance so that you can maneuver in case another car tries to block you from behind and trap you in an attempt to assault you.
  3. Carry Pepper Spray: In Europe, this is the best option. Carry it in an accessible place or even in your hand in dangerous areas like a parking lot or when walking home alone at night. Recommended brands in Europe include Sabre Red.
  4. Carry a Flashlight: This is a good idea to illuminate dark places (there are cheap options like Sofirn or Convoy flashlights that can be easily bought on AliExpress). If possible, choose a model with 1000 lumens or more. Options like the Convoy S2+ are inexpensive and compact.
  5. Stay Alert (situational awareness): Be attentive to potential dangers. If you see anything suspicious, distance yourself from the potential threat.
  6. Share Your Location: If you are walking alone, it's a good idea to share your location with someone you trust using apps like 'Find My' from Apple (similar options are available for Android). This way, if something happens, someone will know where you are. Inform someone approximately when you will return home and your route. I personally do this with my girlfriend when she goes out with friends and is coming home.
  7. Make Noise if Needed: Shout and make noise if necessary. Many people are afraid to shout, but it can attract attention and save your life or prevent an assault.

Any feedback will be appreciated.

Submitted May 20, 2024 at 03:55AM by alv_23

Sunday, May 19, 2024

old cart dude at work

tried to shake out a cart that was in between my cars front bumper and the small partition separating lanes while I was sitting in my car on my break

when shaking it up he was potentially scratching my bumper because it was lodged in there, don't know why it was there

after a few seconds he started slapping my hood to tell me to do something about it, for context the guy has no respect in general

(a week before he grabbed the back metal part of the golf cart I was in and told me to move, as this was the first time he had ever spoken with me I told him to relax, he didn't, so I yelled at him and said he's not talking like that with me and the next time its fhk you etc)

this being the next time, I then got out the car, grabbed the cart, threw it then tried to tell him in spanish to not do that

in a gradual increase of aggression getting closer to him I was just going for a take down but

two days before I started feeling extreme fatigue and knowing the symptoms I may have gonerrhea

the energy I exerted from that movement immediatly hit me and I needed to sit down

so the aggression in mid application depleted

I considered that maybe because he was damaging the car despite the intention of removing the cart there was cause for me to at least put him on the ground or move him away from the car to prove a point to him that I will do something (defending property what have you)

but because of the fatigue and that I didn't speak spanish I told him that I'd put him on the floor next time whatever

I think I had the right but because the legality in the circumstance is something id think is hard to determine until consequence starts to shed light on it idk

but anyways it will happen again in some way (what also perpetuates that probability is that he knows I didnt do anything in that moment and like I'm not going to explain why I didn't) but not in a setting where I have the right to do anything

weird circumstance

does anyone have any insight on it

edit: by old I mean he's late 40's and a dick head

Submitted May 19, 2024 at 09:13PM by Prize-Knowledge56

Training boxing once a week to learn self defense.

I want to be more confident in situations where danger starts and have more control where I think more clearly.

I can't train twice a week because the second session in my gym is when I am busy. So I came up with a solution to go to another boxing gym at the same time. But for now I am sticking to one.

I lift 3 to 5 times a week and sometimes shadow box at home.

Is training once a week enough for me to get conditioned to fighting?

Submitted May 19, 2024 at 03:02PM by Typical_Awareness200

Which pepper spray has the strongest effect?

I'm looking to get myself a new pepper spray, but i'm conflicted as to which one I should get. The brands I'm considering are sabre red, pom, or fox labs, but of those three I don't know which to pick. I just want whichever one that will cause an attacker the most physical pain.

Submitted May 19, 2024 at 08:51AM by Revolutionary-Fix110

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Non-firearm front door defense…

We live in a very urban area. Our front door faces a busy street (it’s a double door.) I already have cameras and alarms that let me know when somebody has opened the door, as well as lights that turn on automatically when there’s motion in our foyer. Nevertheless we’ve had people try to get in several times, and one time, somebody succeeded (I ran down the stairs screaming GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE like a maniac, and the intruder ran.) Not believing that my sheer loudness will generally win the day, I want some kind of self-defense tool that I can keep at hand - something I can grab quickly in case somebody gets in and tries to get up the stairs. Firearms are not an option. Pepper spray? A blinding flashlight? Several friends have suggested a baseball bat, but that seems pretty iffy to me - not sure I could accomplish a solid blow with one in the dark, heat of the moment, etc.

Submitted May 18, 2024 at 08:27PM by soulbarn

Friday, May 17, 2024

How much damage can a 3lb aluminum slab do?

Met up with a friend at a mall a while ago, and he was bringing a laptop to show some (programming) stuff. He brought nothing else: just his phone and cards in his pocket and a laptop in hand.

He took a bus through a very ...problematic... area. I expressed concern about having a MacBook Pro out in the open, but he said "If someone tries to f*ck with me, I got a solid 3lb aluminum slab". He was safe, but hypothetically, if he was mugged in that situation, would it have been possible to use the laptop in self-defense without actually causing significant damage to it?

Although, the best strategy would just be to carry the $2000 laptop in a concealed way to avoid attracting attention for a mugging, What would be the strategy, for a 17-20 year old man with average strength? (A dented corner would be a lot better than having it stolen).

Submitted May 17, 2024 at 02:12PM by bala_v1234

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Can i defend myself if someone tries to cut myhair

Someone at work is threatening to cut my hair. i’m 19 and he is in his 50s-60s. He may be joking but hes persistently saying he’s gonna lock me in a room and cut my hair and if that happens I’m gonna break his face so i just need to know if i’m gonna go to jail or not

Submitted May 16, 2024 at 08:19PM by CitronPotential

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

What is good tips and tricks for a parents?

What are good tips and tricks for a parents with young children in a stroller. I'm an anxious person and would like to be prepared as much as I can. I'm currently pregnant with my second boy. I am nervous about carrying pepper spray since my sister's friend decided to spray herself and my sister when they were young.

Thanks for any help and tips you can give. I appreciate it.

Submitted May 15, 2024 at 09:25PM by MiaRia963

Concealable Pepper Spray?

The only time I feel I would really need pepper spray is if my wife and I go downtown usually to a bar or dance club. A lot of them make you empty your pockets and pat you down.

The bouncers typically won’t let you in with pepper spray. Are there any discreet looking pepper sprays that don’t look like the usual canister style?

It seems dumb that the one time I actually need it is the one time I can’t have it.

Submitted May 15, 2024 at 06:56PM by WindFish1993

2 self defence Combatives systems to compare !!!

Lee Morrison's Urban Combatives vs Paul Vunak's RAT (Rapid Assault Tactics), I want people who either have experience in both systems or people who have at least seen both systems in action to comment. (Compare, Criticize and Complement, also Pros and Cons). And after your complements and criticisms, I want you to comment IN GENERAL, which system out of these 2 would make an average untrained and undersized 5'6" 140 pound man (168 cm and 65 kg man) be MORE LIKELY to survive unarmed street situations better (and thereby increase his base lethality level compared to his former untrained self) ??? ANSWER TO THE POINT AND DIRECTLY TO THE QUESTION AT HAND. (Don't give answers like make him train Combat sports like Boxing, Wrestling, BJJ. The choice is between only these 2 systems. Nothing more, nothing less. Assume that our undersized and untrained man is able to train 2 days a week for about 1-2 years.) Thank you for participating in this comparison ! Wish you all a great day !

Submitted May 15, 2024 at 03:43PM by Pakkuhya29

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Is armor good self defense?

Submitted May 14, 2024 at 10:49AM by CombatSDRob

When pepper spray isn’t an option?

I’m a 100 lb woman and have enrolled in self defense classes but feel like that would not be enough in case of an emergency. I learned carrying a knife could be used against me. I can’t use pepper spray because I have a lung disease and that would actually make me choke and die pretty much. Is pistol permit my next best option? I’m in Upstate NY, btw. I’m also an avid rollerblader and have been chased by four dogs!!!! So thought about bear spray but that’s also like pepper spray. sigh

Regardless, I’m still going to keep up with the self defense classes as they are obviously a good idea and I’m learning good ways to defend myself there. Any advice is appreciated, TIA.

Submitted May 14, 2024 at 05:39AM by Suspicious-Aerie-165

Monday, May 13, 2024

A nazi knows where I [gay, mixed race] live.

Someone with a white supremacist tattoo served us at a place where it's necessary to know our contact information. She didn't seem to care, just wanted our (bf and I) gay money, but better to be paranoid and prepared than dead. Any advice?

EDIT: I've calmed down. Thanks for the posts. I do need to learn self defense and look into home security asap tho.

Submitted May 13, 2024 at 08:06PM by monstercollie

Sunday, May 12, 2024

How to Escape Being choked by a belt while walking

I was browsing social media and watched a video of a middle-age looking woman walking in the street. A man snuck up behind her holding a belt and looped it around her neck, dragging her to the ground as she passed out without being able to put up much of a fight. It scared me. I would hope I wouldn't be caught unaware like that but I can never be too careful. What would be a good way to resist?

My initial thought would be, maybe if she based out, immediately pulling down on the belt to loosen the choke, but I'm not sure how much time that would really buy her.

Submitted May 10, 2024 at 12:26PM by Infamous_Banana_30

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Pepper spray in car?

Can you leave a pepper spray or gel in the car? Looking at the sabre

Submitted May 11, 2024 at 12:39PM by Far-Temporary4911

Training advice to be able to defend myself?

Im 23, 6'6 and 220lb and are decently fit but have never taken any form of self defense training.

Recently went on a trip with some friends and we all got drunk. One of my friends started pushing me to wrestle but I wasnt into it. Eventually he went at it with me anyway and got me on the ground pinned and made jokes like he could get me anytime.

While I go to the gym moderately to stay fit, it was demoralizing to see how unprepared I was to defend myself and made me realize I am not where I need to be in terms of self-defense.

So, what is the best form self defense or training advice in general? While i'm not looking to become a professional, I am willing to dedicate as much time and effort as necessary in order to feel confident and assured of myself if the need to defend myself arises.


Submitted May 11, 2024 at 12:54PM by glaz5

Friday, May 10, 2024

Defense Against Strangulation with Belt?

I just saw a chilling video (on Reddit but I'm not linking to it) of a man walk up behind a woman on the street, sling a thick, looped belt around her throat, and drag her away. It seemed like she was motionless within 20 seconds or so.

What self defense would be possible for a woman in such a scenario? She has no "room" to turn around, and was down on the ground within a few seconds. Belt too thick to really pull away from her neck. The man was clearly strong enough to haul the limp woman around by a belt.

Recommendations? Thx.

Submitted May 10, 2024 at 10:34PM by jess_askin

How Wise Is My Approach / Martial Arts Recom.

Hello everyone. I have been training boxing for over a year now but I have realized since I am 5'4 and have to close distance against taller opponents, this would work pretty bad against a tall attacker on the streets since thats when grappling begins. I was thinking about also adding a specific martial art that mainly emphasizes on throws rather than takedowns or submissions because I am not interested in ground game, I have to still be standing in case there are several attackers. Is sambo and sanda a good idea for this? Or are muay thai throws and sweeps all I really need for situations like these? Thank you.

Submitted May 10, 2024 at 04:18PM by Otherwise_Chicken_90

Is parrying with a knife fantasy?

If someone was to attack me with a knife, could I use my knife to parry/deflect or smth and then counter-attack? Would it be a good idea to keep a mini shield with me to use that for parries/deflects?

Submitted May 10, 2024 at 03:18PM by Micubunny

hypothetical for disabilities and self defense

advice for people of this hypothetical situation, for example they have medical reason(s) they can't run, they can't always walk away, they can't use any strong chemicals like mace or pepper spray, what would you give these people that are out there in a real self defense situation were they can't have a fist fight to defend themselves and a gun may not be an option or not always be an option, what recommendtims for self defense if someone attacked them then what and what to use, I would appreciate any real replies that are usable and helpful as this is not real, but there are many people with disabilities or have health reasons that 1 or more of all of these may apply to them and would be nice to be able to give them good advice and recommendations. thank you for your replies. (in this scenario they can grip with their hands and walk and are of sound mind and independent people etc

Submitted May 10, 2024 at 08:48AM by skewlsux85

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

What are some good edc self defense flashlights?

I've been trying to find a good self defense flashlight for a while. I want something that is small (no more than 6 inches) and good for edc, but has enough lumens to blind an aggressive attacker. Something that could go on a keychain would also be a plus.

Submitted May 08, 2024 at 12:29PM by Revolutionary-Fix110

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Cheers to 18,000 Strong and a New Year of Empowerment! Thank you, r/SelfDefense Community!

As we step into the promising year of 2024, we have also crossed a remarkable milestone - we are now a family of 18000 members strong. What an incredible way to kick off the new year together!

Firstly, a heartfelt thank you to our most active members! Your insightful contributions and overall unwavering support have been the backbone of our community's success. With every question answered and your insights shared you have made this subreddit an invaluable space for learning and personal growth.

Let's use this moment to celebrate our collective dedication to empowerment through self-defense. Your eagerness to share experience and expertise not only enriches this community but also equips everyone here with vital life-skills; I hope it will also stand as a helpful testament to future generations who will seek for advice in the following decades.

As we venture into the new year, I encourage each of you to continue contributing and engaging. Share your valuable insights, ask questions, and support one another. Let's foster an environment where everyone feels empowered and equipped with the knowledge they need to stay safe.

Together, let's strive for more engaging discussions, insightful tips, and a deeper sense of community. Your presence and active involvement are what make r/SelfDefense exceptional!

Here's to a fantastic 2024 filled with learning, growth, and unwavering support for one another.

Let's make this year one of more self-defense training for all!

Cheers to the good guys!

Warm regards,

Submitted January 03, 2024 at 07:05PM by theopresent

Is it bad to expect my friends not to be cowards?

I am a guy in my 20s walking down with my male friend of the same age from college. We were just talking when suddenly a jogger shoulder barged me in a manner that was quite clearly deliberate as he was coming past me. Obviously, I was highly irritated by this and so I shouted out "fucking watch where you're going", he looks back at me saying "YEAH YOU GOT A PROBLEM? FUCKING BITCH". At which point, before I could say anything back my friend spoke for me saying to the jogger "nah don't worry mate its fine" and dragging me away by the arm, telling me not to get angry. He was clearly panicked and scared that I would escalate things.

There are a couple of things to note, firstly, I am not stupid. I know when something is worth fighting for and when it isn't. I wasn't about to chase the jogger down the street to fight him, but I was also not going to say nothing and let him walk over me, so I called out to him once, he clearly wasn't sorry and wanted to be the big man, I would have walked away at that point regardless. It's not that I think we should have stood and fought together, it's just how eager my friend was to avoid conflict at all costs and how he sucked up to the jogger because he really was frightened of a fight happening. Obviously don't create problems where they don't need to be, but living in fear? What's he going to do if walking away isn't an option? Secondly, me and my friend clearly come from very different places in life; I was in fights in school and witnessed / was involved in violence often growing up and I have several years of experience in martial-arts, he's never experienced any violence and is basically a pacifist. We live mentally in different worlds, I doubt it has ever even occurred to him what he would do if somebody attacked him, it's a scenario I consider every week in training.

All this to say, my friends are great. They're good for laughs, good to rely on and talk to, fun and interesting. However, it concerns me to know that if shit ever hit the fan and it was a life-or-death situation, some of them would not be reliable. One time, I was walking down the street and there was a women screaming because a man was trying to attack her car while her and her two children were inside. I immediately stepped in and involved myself assertively, which caused him to back down as he knew I was willing to escalate if I had to. I can't help but think that if some of my friends were there they would either just freeze as they've never even considered something like this happening, or they would desperately try to avoid danger pulling me away saying "it's not worth it just leave it's none of our business". If I can't rely on them for those situations, I feel like it's a problem for me.

Submitted May 07, 2024 at 07:27PM by Fit_Specific4658

Monday, May 6, 2024

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Boxing and BJJ Training

I've been training in boxing for about 8 months now and I'm really enjoying it. However, I'm considering adding Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) to my routine to diversify my skillset, especially for self-defense purposes. Do you think it's a good idea to pursue BJJ alongside boxing, or should I focus solely on mastering boxing for the time being? My plan is to dedicate Saturdays to boxing (padwork and sparring) and Sundays to BJJ, while fitting in strength and conditioning during the weekdays. Any advice or experiences you can share would be greatly appreciated!

Submitted May 05, 2024 at 09:05AM by eidosx44

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Bear spray king of self defense

Just watched a few YouTube and seen bear spray make all the difference vs mobs of attackers. I sold, where can I find bear spray in California?

Submitted May 04, 2024 at 07:20PM by tofumasubi

Suble nonlethals w/ plausible deniability?

My girlfriend cannot carry knives or peppers pray to her work but feels unsafe. Other than a pocket flashlight, which I am encouraging her to get, what are some unassuming defense tools along the lines of self defense pens?

Submitted May 04, 2024 at 12:54PM by imfuckingvegan

Friday, May 3, 2024

Jailton Almeida smash

Submitted May 03, 2024 at 07:17PM by No_Reason6873

Did I handle this situation okay (street fight)

I caught up with some old friends from my hometown and went out clubbing and actually had a really great night up until we were about to get into a taxi

We were followed by a group of pretty dodgy looking guys who we found out later were prospecting for a motorbike gang, they kept trying to harass and scare the girls in our group and we told them that we didn't want trouble and that we were heading home

After telling them to back off, in about under 5 seconds one of the guys sucker punches my friend in the head and he knocked out 3 of them

There was a pause for a few seconds and they seemed to back off a bit, We were yelling at them yelling to them to fuck off and that they were being fucking stupid fighting over nothing. I thought that hopefully it was over at that point

One of the guys who got knocked over gained his senses back and panicked and starting yelling for the rest of his mates to fuck us up, a bunch of their friend came running in and swarmed us and it happened so quickly, my mate who intially knocked out 3 of them was then targeted and getting punched in the head by 4 guys

I ran in to help him out and almost got kinghit running in but my other friend punched him over before his punch connected (saw him about to punch me out of the corner of my eye), managed to step over the other guys knocked out on the ground but by the time I got to my mate he has been taken to the ground and I stood over him with my back facing our attackers getting hit, I managed to hold off a few of them but two other guys ran around me to kick my mate in the head, managed to somewhat block it with my arm, I managed to get him up and the 3 of us managed to regroup and break through the circle of guys around us, got the girls we were with and tried to get into a taxi to get out as quickly as possible. We managed to pull out other mate out who got seperated from us and was having to fight a bunch of them on his own.

They were trying to attack us as we left but then the police came, most of them ran but a few of them tried coming after us so I just stood my ground and yelled at them that the fight was over, he keep walking over so I went after him and he ran off.

The police tried arrested us since we had done quite a bit of the damage and were probably the loudest and had bystanders pointing at us but fortunately we had others who told the police we were assaulted and they let us go.

We finally got into a taxi and made it home but at the cost of my friend getting a broken jaw and cracked rib, my other friend got a busted jaw too, other friend has has bruises on his face and my back is sore as fuck. My friend has since been treated in hospital.

Did I do the right thing in trying to avoid violence and defuse it or should have I started using a lot more force a lot sooner.

I have a black belt in Shaolin Kungfu have done boxing and jujitsu and not a stranger to street violence, been in multiple life threatening situations before and seen it go really bad very quickly so I wanted to stop it, for example I managed to stop two guys from stealing my friend truck but we got shot at in return, didn't realise they were armed and it's a blessing no one was shot, broke a guys ribs after almost getting stabbed (violent robbery happened right in front of me) and many more incidents. If you're wondering I lived in a really dodgy city and was one of the reasons I moved.

I realise that even with all my training, real fights are so different and more brutal so although I was wanting to do more I know that escalating it could have lead to much worse circumstances. Turned out it was good I didn't as someone got stabbed close by a week later by the same group of people.

Did I do the right thing, I realise my ego is bruised but at least we're safe and alive.

Submitted May 03, 2024 at 12:44PM by Haunting-Artichoke74

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

What can I get to protect my home?

I don’t think I’m allowed a gun because of past mental issues. Even tho I am much better. I know people around me would not want me to get a gun. However some old man was in my yard talking to himself pushing neighbors fence and trying to climb a tree then proceeded to try to open my front door and back door. Took of his shirt and stayed talking to himself. I called the cops and it was a hour wait for them to come home by then he was gone from the area and went to next road (told cops they didn’t even look there). Then 15 min later I saw him called cops again. Well the cops had already left so it’s another hour wait for them to come check the area. Ngl that scared the crap out of me. More so that it took the cops that long. I didn’t even want to stay home tonight. I know maybe the guy was just a crazy old man but it was the idea of how long the cops took. What can I do to protect myself ? I’m going to be getting security camera. I have a husky that serves as an alarm system. Is there any “weapon” that can protect me? I saw byrna but I’ve head mixed reviews.

Submitted May 01, 2024 at 12:08AM by Spookaholic14

advice for boarding school?

hey, 16f going to boarding school next year. it's known to have SA cases (especially at night) and the campus is not big. decent security, like curfews and IDs to open doors and such, but i'm very concerned. school does not handle assault cases well and there isn't a lot of publicity about it. last year there was a case apparently and the school didn't punish the person who did it.
i can't find the rules but i'm certain you can bring small knives. there is a size limit though.

any suggestions? i'm very weak and have horrible stamina. thinking of bringing pepper spray and stuff but is there anything i could do to defend myself or train that doesn't involve heavy time commitment or weapons? all i know is to go for the eyes but i don't think that will be enough, esp because like i said i'm not strong.

i do understand that most situations such as these can be avoided by just being careful or hanging around large groups/friends but for the rare exception i would like to be prepared.

sorry if this isn't the right place to go to, i wasn't sure where else to ask :(

Submitted April 30, 2024 at 11:30PM by wind-fl0wer

Should I still get into MMA/Self defense?

I’m a 17 year old boy with a disability. I have cerebral palsy, meaning I do have some mobility issues, which is why I walk with a Posterior Walker. I’ve been in a few fights, lost some, won some. I’ve been contemplating learning self defense. I’m really really interested in it, but I also realise that it might be a less sensible option for a hobby for someone like me to get into. The thing is that i don’t struggle with things like punches or physical strength in general. All I struggle with is balance, and staying on my feet.

Should I still try? Or am I just wasting my time?

Honest advice is appreciated, and DMs are open. Thanks in advance.

Submitted April 30, 2024 at 07:13AM by National_Town7904

Monday, April 29, 2024

Self defense class for teen girls in Philly burbs?

I have three teen girls from 15 to 18 and I want them to learn basic self defense. They don’t have to win a MMA cage fight. I just want them to be able to incapacitate an assailant and run away. Any good courses for something like around the Philly suburbs. Specifically the bucks county area?

Submitted April 29, 2024 at 07:27PM by tiredagain11

Knife safety tips

I’m not a man who picks fights or really gets into fights but there have been times I’ve gotten scared for my safety and my friends so when would you all recommend the use of a knife

Submitted April 29, 2024 at 05:43PM by Jesters_remorse

how to defend against crack heads pitbull

tonight walking home a crackheads Pitbull didnt like the sound my backpack was making I think and it started charging at me luckily I just froze in place and didnt act erratic so the dog lost confidence and then meth head called her dog back but is there anything i can do other than choking the dog and being calm if i get attacked

Submitted April 29, 2024 at 04:01AM by fdfgddwad

Sunday, April 28, 2024

What do you think?

I'm growing out my hair to make a bun. My dad tells me to get a haircut because he fears I might get into a street fight one day, and he says long hair is a weak point. I know he's right for sure, but I feel like he's a bit coward if he always thinks like this. Like, why should I get a haircut because of freaking street fights? Like, fuck everyone and fuck anyone; I don't fear anyone, fight is fight.

When he was as young as me, he was a naughty athlete boy tho

Submitted April 28, 2024 at 03:54PM by AshamedMulberry2608

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Any way to train basic fighting w/out instructors

My parents have been more and more hostile,especially my dad and the fact that he stopped smoking is probably a reason for that too. He attacked my mom about a month ago and I had to step in and stop it. But I know damn well I wouldn’t stand a chance if he actually were to throw a punch. I’m on edge everyday around him and even stay close to my mom when they are arguing just in case. (he threw a table at her when I was 7,and left her on the side of a road when I was 13. This is not new btw) I want to know how to get better at fighting or atleast not be shaky and seem confident. I do know how to throw a punch and I have a bit of expirience,but with people same age as me and same type of body. He is ~90kg,pretty fat,but has a lot of arm strenght,not too much back strengh I think tho. I can give a better description if needed.

TL;DR:My dad is attacking my mom a lot and I want to be able to fight him if needed.

Submitted April 27, 2024 at 01:10PM by M1KK1_

Looking for a stun wand to protect my aging dog

Hi! My dog (Apollo, a Husky) has been a target of off-leash dog attacks all his life; I don't know what it is but other dogs go out of their way to attack him. He has always defended himself well and only gotten a minor injury once. But now he's getting older (12) and I want to protect him from other dogs. (He just got attacked by two German Shepards a few weeks ago, and there's only so much stomping, yelling and kicking I can do.) I'm ready to buy a stun wand or pen that will stop BUT NOT KILL another large dog. Does anyone have any suggestions? Amazon doesn't seem to show the voltage and I wouldn't know what a good voltage would be anyway...

Submitted April 27, 2024 at 10:52AM by paintedfantasyminis

Best non-lethal companion for pepper spray?

So there is a good bit of violent crime in my area. Mostly robberies and such. If someone points a gun at me I'm just going to give them my shit, full stop. If there is no gun and its just some crackhead or something though, I've got pepper spray. Recently, I've been trying to think of an additional line of non-lethal defense.

I take a lot of night walks in this area to walk my wife home from work. I was thinking about a high powered flashlight with a strike bezel if someone gets close enough. Not really sure that's a great option though. I'm not confident that I'd win a knife fight, and I don't want to carry a firearm. I live in Minnesota, and I can't just whack somebody with a Glock like I could in, say, Texas. What other self defense items should I look into?

Submitted April 27, 2024 at 04:29AM by yall_too_boujee

Friday, April 26, 2024

small/comfortable pocket knife for self defense?

I’d like to buy a small (comfortable to wear) pocket knife for self defense needs. Suggestions?

I’d like it to be small and comfy. Just something better than my hands in an emergency if I needed to protect my family.

Submitted April 26, 2024 at 04:45AM by Atlantic0ne

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Got attacked by dogs. Ways to prevent this?

Out for a walk at my apartment, had my AirPods in, totally unprepared. Never had this happen before. 2-3 medium size unleashed dogs circled me and attacked me. I tried to keep walking and ignore them. Didn’t work, they started biting and I ran. Thankfully made it back to my door and went inside.

What is the best way to prevent this? Obviously owners should use leases. What’s the best way to scare vicious dogs away? I have a walking stick but that’s not practical for every situation.

Submitted April 24, 2024 at 08:44PM by DarkWolf6901

Monday, April 22, 2024

Going to Vegas

Going to Vegas, but I'm not going un protected, need a wearable baton. The Internet sucks for a simple solution, I'd prefer none lethal, not saying I want the chance to go full throttle on someone who threatens me or my girl but I'm not going to be empty handed

Submitted April 22, 2024 at 09:49PM by asdf4g1981

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Can anyone recommend me a good pepper spray

For both animals and people.

Submitted April 22, 2024 at 01:27AM by jyggalags

Allow self defense in US schools petition

Submitted April 21, 2024 at 07:05PM by Nativemobboss

best martial art for self defense

18 years old 1-1 record in fights both by KO. Both times I was just throwing fists and hoping for the best. What form of martial arts will help me the most in a street fight?

Submitted April 21, 2024 at 12:40PM by TankSinatra4

Saturday, April 20, 2024

hammer vs knife

what u reckon is winning in a fight (if both people are of equal fighting abilities)

Submitted April 20, 2024 at 11:42AM by -p3aK-

I'm going to get jumped in school.

Got framed that supposedly I cussed out someone. He confronted me, punched me and I pushed him. Now him, his older brother and at least 30 teenagers, of which most may have knives (This might be racist but from my personal experience, almost every teenager their nationality has knives in my country and make problems for no reason). What the fuck do I do? I'm honestly on the verge of exploding myself and killing them in the middle of classes.

Submitted April 20, 2024 at 06:53AM by Snickersnook

Friday, April 19, 2024

How defend myself in this situation (in Canada)

Submitted April 19, 2024 at 09:08PM by civildrivel

Sabre Gel Testing

A few years ago I had an individual attempt to attack me in a parking lot. I’m ok and since have brushed it off since it was assumed the guy was on drugs or drunk. I since have been carrying Sabre Gel on me since it doesn’t have a strong blow back, is sticky, and contains a UV dye for suspect identification. I have been told that I need to test spray it (which I have), and if I haven’t been sprayed with it before to see how I react should not be carrying it. Problem is I am a student pilot, I value my vision a lot and last thing I need to have is damage to my eyes from testing out if my pepper gel hurts me. What are your thoughts on this? I specifically bought the gel since it doesn’t have a strong blowback. Thanks!

Submitted April 19, 2024 at 05:49PM by FLYBOY2900

Are Stinger whips ok to carry in public?

I am a 26Y Female who carries mace with me at all times. However I’ve recently heard about the stinger whip and wanted to make sure I’m educated on carrying it additionally to my mace. I mainly walk my dog and although I carry my mace I wonder if it could potentially get on my dog in case of an emergency. Which is why I have been gravitating on carrying a stinger whip. I’ve heard lots of great things and thought this is a great for my lifestyle.

I was thinking of potentially connecting it to my dog walk bag - but I don’t want to be irresponsible in carrying a self defense tool.

I’m trying to educate myself on this tool and thought this would be the group to reach out to!

Thank you!

For reference I live in California

Submitted April 19, 2024 at 01:42PM by Booboodeedoop

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Best pepper spray? Needs to be fail-proof for wife

Hello. My wife just started a new job, and she gets off work when it's dark. She has to walk a few city streets to the parking lot, and the location isn't the safest. There is a high chance she will be robbed or attacked at least once in the next 10 years. (I work for the same company, but in a different area, and there are often safety emails about robberies of employees in her work area.)

I want to buy her a pepper spray that works without fail and won't leak. I'm thinking aerosol makes more sense than gel so her aim does not need to be precise. I've been checking out this subreddit and see recommendations for Fox, Police Magnum, Sabre, and a few other brands, but can't figure out which brand, model, and size to buy. Price does not matter - I'll happily pay to keep her safer. Thank you.

Submitted April 18, 2024 at 07:23PM by FriendsCanKnowThis1