Saturday, September 21, 2024

I was just assaulted

So, I was just assaulted because of a bout of road rage. The guy followed me, pulled up and tried to grab me.

I have some training but it's been a few years since anything has happened so I'm proud that I kept my cool, was able to keep him at arms length, and my only injury is a nip to my inner arm.

Now, this was in broad daylight, with plenty of witnesses and the guy left himself open on so many occasions that I would have been well within my rights to knock him out. However, I have work in an hour, and couldn't be bothered dealing with all the hassle that comes with this sort of shit.

My background is some boxing, JKD, and a little Krav Maga and I was brought up to go all out when the need arises but I would have loved to have been able to use some non-violent take downs using pressure points, or something similar. I had to fight with myself not to knock the guy out as it would have been the quick and easy thing to do, but I'm getting old and can't be bothered with the fallout.

What would /r/selfdefense recommend for this type of altercation?

Submitted September 21, 2024 at 12:28PM by GaimOfThrowns

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