Monday, September 9, 2024

In person, potential extortionate intent, how do I be left alone.

So first, no names locations. Im going to be brief. I met a girl,(absolutely no adult themes, just friends she was clear from the get go and I respected it, )we live very near each other and suddenly things just did a 180. Over the last week there's been strange vehicles in the road on front of the building and the neighbors camera picked up several ppl running around the cars, this is all at around 1a-3a. So I found out almost everything she told me about her life is a lie. She shifts blame to different ppl depending on what guy she talks to. So I'm not concerned about her but how should I properly handle this? I distanced myself today, she instantly exploded,to be expected, I know she was just using me. So my main question: this is a tactic to get me to run her errands, I know that but all the other stuff I hear, she knows I hear it, it's all for show right?

Submitted September 09, 2024 at 07:41PM by crap_thrower

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