Monday, June 5, 2023

What to do about someone outing you

TLDR: friend has outed me and acts like it’s no big deal. Advice?My best friend has outed me twice by now, if my co worker wasn’t so stupid he would’ve actually pieced together that I was carrying. My job is pretty pro gun and out of seven people in my department, four of us carry. I don’t like telling people because then they tell more people which has happened to an old coworker of mine. nothing ever comes of it but I don’t want people knowing I carry. The problem is my best friend (who I work with) keeps making jokes about it and saying either people can’t hear him or people don’t care. Since I have told him his brother now knows I carry because he made jokes about it to his brother. At the gym once we were messing with each other and he says not quietly “yea we’ll what if I just shouted that you have a gun” which resulted in my quickly shushing him. What’s really got me worked up is today we were doing some common horseplay at work and his hand accidentally hits my gun and he says pretty loudly around my other co worker “hey what’s that on your hip”. My coworker goes “are you carrying your gun” (I just bought a new one and showed him) I had to play it off and my friend goes “ha look how big eyed this guy got”. Again not that big of a deal at work but it could be in public. Have you guys ever dealt with a situation like this and if so how did you handle it? I can’t really distance myself either because I work with him and don’t want to cause bad blood at the work place and if I say anything (which I have in the past) he will just play it off like it’s no big deal, he’s pretty immature. Even if I don’t get replies I just had to get that off my chest because again I can’t tell anybody because nobody but him and his brother know I carry. via /r/CCW

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