Friday, June 9, 2023

Open Carrying, Sitting at a Bar and a Stranger Grabs My Shoulders from Behind

Location: New HampshireThis happened to me the other day. Was sitting at my local bar and a group of guys walk in clearly already drunk. Bartender decides to serve them anyway so they get more belligerent. Theyre in good spirits I'm not getting any hostile vibes from them but then suddenly one of them grabs my shoulders from behind and shakes me a bit like he's friends with me. This is technically assaultI don't react and he goes back to his group. A short while later the owner throws them out and they almost get into a fight with another group on their way out.I'm wondering in hindsight if I shouldve punched the guy that grabbed my shoulders when he did. In the moment I decided not to because I didnt get a hostile vibe but in hindsight if he was intending on attacking me I wouldve been at a huge disadvantage. I didnt react right when he grabbed me so if he was going to attack me chances are slim I wouldve blocked in time. If I did punch him though and his friends jumped in it wouldve been 5v1 unless any of the regulars jumped in to help me. Also I was open carrying my pistol. I know from training I've taken that when carrying its even more important to avoid fights when I can because any fight I get into is immediately one where a gun is involved. If the fight turned 5v1 I probably would have had to draw to defend myself.Am I overthinking this? Practically speaking and in hindsight this was the best outcome because I wasn't hurt and I am not in any legal hot water but I feel like I shouldn't have let the guy get away with grabbing me like that. via /r/CCW

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