Saturday, April 2, 2022

What martial art to train?

(already posted in r/martialarts, but I'd like more opinions).

Hello! About me: 19M, 5'9", 135 lbs (been gaining).

At my gym, one of the employees started teaching me boxing. I've been liking it, and it's been going for over a month now, practicing about once a week.

So I discovered I like being able to hit and be physically confident. But I want to go further, specifically learn self defense training. I know there's classes for that, but I'm curious what a good martial art is that I can practice for years instead of a short class. I'm not interested in tournaments; I just want to proficiently protect myself and others if I ever need to. Scenarios I think of are maybe someone tries to rob me, overly big egos lead to a fight, or some rowdy teens looking for trouble, idk.

Talked to my friend about it who does firearm training, and while he said boxing is fine, street fights get dirty, so boxing isn't the best. He recommended jujitsu, although I'm not sure what kind is best. I've seen some comments that BJJ isn't very applicable to real combat scenarios, so I'm unsure. One helpful member at r/martialarts said I should continue with boxing as a striking strategy, and then compliment that with something like jujitsu or wrestling.

Is there another discipline that's even better than jujitsu, or what kind of jujitsu? Given I'm a somewhat smaller guy, some kind of marital art where you could turn effectively counter bigger foes would be great. Any tips would be appreciated, thank you!

Submitted April 01, 2022 at 08:44PM by random_ra20

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