Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Hesitation on using force

Hey, soo basically I was with my friend out at night talking and minding our business (to be clear i am 200cm 115 kg mascular guy with training in self defence and matrial arts and he is 180 cm 130 kg fat guy with brute force) and two drunken punks (both around 60 kg) came and started screaming and getting way to close to us so naturally i started maintaining distance from one that was bothering me…

But then sh*t escalated and one of them striked my friend with bottle of some kind to the head

This is why i am writing here..

My reaction should have been using force on both guys because they didnt had any training (probably) and my friend was in lethal danger. Thankfuly he somehow standed his ground probably thanks to adrenaline

But instead of ending them right there hesitated and i was still trying to solve it by carefully going away and fleeing…

My question is… how can i train my mind to be able to calculate these situatons better ? I think i would dominate them… i know weight isnt everything but punks were open and just walking waiting to be punched and i did absolutely nothing to protect me and my friend even tho i am capable to do something

Submitted April 19, 2022 at 06:00PM by operator_vrzy https://ift.tt/j6LR0eJ

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