Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Why Would You Even Ask This Question?

So I got to work one night and as I was clocking in I heard two client employees having a discussion.The facility where I work at has gunbuster signs on the building but not on the entrance gate to the grounds. The only thing on the main gate is a sign that says it any vehicle entering the facility is subject to search.So apparently, one of the employees saw the signs on the building (that have been there forever) and decided to go inform the general manager he has a concealed handgun permit and wants to know if he can keep a gun in his car or is that not allowed by company policy.This guy has worked for this company for almost 20 years. (You would think he would clearly understand whatever policy they have by now.) And the only thing that he's really succeeded in doing is putting himself squarely on the company's radar.The general manager had no idea what the specific company policy is and promised to ask corporate for a ruling. I promise you corporate is going to give him an answer and I suspect this guy is not going to like the answer that they give.I am positive that he's going to be told that he may not have a weapon in his vehicle on company property and that he is subject to immediate termination should he be caught. Did I mention that there's a sign on the front gate that states that any vehicle that comes on property is subject to search?This scenario comes up frequently on gun forums and this situation that's going on is the primary reason that I always advocate keeping your mouth shut.Nobody that I work with even knows I own a gun. They certainly have no reason to suspect that there might be one in my car. Should my vehicle ever be searched and should they ever find a gun in my vehicle I can claim ignorance because the general manager didn't even know for sure what the policy was.So I said all that to again say that you're better off not discussing your personal life at work. You're better off not asking questions that don't need to be asked especially questions that you won't like the answer to. via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/yCvU6La

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