Monday, April 25, 2022

Accidentally becoming an international arms dealer and why to have a range bag

This is from a recent trip that I took but if nothing else use this as an excuse to get a seperate range bag.So my spouse and I recently took a cruise trip to relax after getting settled into our post college jobs for a few years. First international trip for both of us in a while.Everything went fine getting on the ship in the US and even getting off at our first stop. The problem came getting back on the ship. We went through the metal detector and put our bags on the conveyor belt. I heard a whisper between the security on the ship and saw my bag get taken out."Sir can we check your bag?" I didn't have a problem answering yes because I thought that they were just concerned by the wires in my bag with the radio and other electronics I took. The security pulled the contents out and my eyes widened as they found a single loaded round of 9mm in what is normally my range backpack. The bag was sent back through the xray machine and no further ammo was found. Luckily I have my CHL which seemed to placate alot of the security team. Body cameras were turned on and our room was fully searched while my spouse was silently fuming at me for not triple checking my bag. Security was professional enough through the ordeal and stated that I wasn't in trouble with them or anything due to the license as otherwise they would have had to make a few calls back home to try and get supporting documentation. They also reassured me that I was not the first American that this happened to. I felt humiliated more at my own self and the fact that I didn't shake the bag out more before I left. Luckily I was able to continue the cruise and didn't have to deal with the local authorities directly though I did have to sign a personal statement as to how the ammo got on board and that I wasn't aware of any further ammo or gun parts being on the ship.Lessons.Have a seperate range bag - this would have solved the problem before it was even known. I've been using this backpack as my "everything bag" for a while but I think I'll just keep it for travel now.Even if your state has a constitutional carry law having an official license made the process much smoother and prevented alot of extra work on our end. Process was overall only about an hour and a half before we got released to dinner.Having the right life partner makes a difference in situations like this. I'm sure that I would have been alright on my own but I'm with an amazing person that was nice enough to go get me icecream afterwards because of how much they care. via /r/CCW

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