Wednesday, August 4, 2021

I was recently involved in a self-defense shooting that's still being adjudicated through the state court system and don't know how it's going to end up, but still want to post about it anonymously.

Yes I know I may possibly risk my case posting about it online, but was hoping it could be some kind of learning lesson and that's why I'm using a throwaway account for this.Less than a year ago when I was bicycling down the road in the farthest right lane a car pulled up next to me and the passenger aimed a rifle out the window and shot at me. Out of fear I drew my CCW and fired one shot back that caused them to flee the scene. Nobody was hit and the round went into the dashboard of their vehicle. When I called the police and told them what happened they put out an all points bulletin for the shooters, but then arrested me for "pointing and presenting a firearm" and "disorderly conduct". They told me the self-defense "stand your ground immunity law" is an affirmative defense that I'm going to have to prove at a pretrial immunity hearing. I was granted bail a short time after they found the vehicle with the rifle in it, but it turned out to be a high powered pellet rifle. Also they were wanted for doing a similar shooting weeks earlier when they shot a female jogger in the leg with possibly the same pellet gun causing moderate injuries. I had no idea it was just a pellet gun at the time and the preliminary hearing judge said that's still considered a "deadly weapon" and won't factor in to my reasonableness standard at the pretrial immunity hearing. The problem with the rest of that though is the judge said I can't admit their previous violent crimes as evidence to help my case because I didn't know it at the time and I'll be judged at my hearing on what I knew in that exact moment that I returned fire.Just curious how anyone on here would have handled this situation and what could have been done differently because I'm still second guessing myself about this incident? via /r/CCW

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