Thursday, August 19, 2021

Carrying for the first time today, and a stranger showed up at my door last night.

So, I turned 21 this past Sunday. I already own a Glock 19 and a pretty cheap, but useable, Kydex holster for it. I live in the great state of Tennessee, so I am able to begin carrying without a permit, although I plan to get mine soon. Today will be the first day I leave the house with a firearm on my hip. I have practiced dozens of times with my draw, and making sure I do not print. I am excited for this moment so now I know I am equipped to protect myself an others.Secondly, a stranger showed up to the apartment that me and my girlfriend live in last night at around 8:45 while I was not home. She did not answer the door, but it spooked us both as we are not in a place you would get to by mistake. He left his car running in my parking spot and knocked on the door, but left after a few minutes of waiting. It was fairly obvious that she was home. I have only been living on my own for a few months now. I am about to order some cameras and a security system, and me and my girlfriend have been talking for months about her getting better equipped with firearms when I turn 21. I’m sure this was nothing, but I want to be the best protector I can be, and I really don’t know how I can move past this incident without knowing who this person was or why the showed up. I know people are weird, but I guess I need some people with experience in life to talk me down. Thanks via /r/CCW

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