Thursday, April 15, 2021

Storing Firearm In Personal Vehicle At Work

We've recently had a handful of new people starting due to our work load increasing, my boss has recently brought it to my attention that an employee has called our corporate office stating they don't feel safe due to a number of employees carrying firearms in their cars. In our handbook it states:Under no circumstances may firearms, explosives, or other forms of weapons be brought onto company property (this includes vehicles parked on company property) at any time for any reason, subject to state laws. The possession of such articles is proper cause for disciplinary action, up to and including termination.This being stated our state laws also states the following:Under the law:With the proper signage, businesses and property owners in general can prohibit firearms within the workplace and on their property. However, they cannot prohibit an employee or guest with a valid concealed handgun license from transporting or storing a firearm and ammunition in his or her personal vehicle on the premises where the vehicle is permitted to be, such as a parking lot. If the individual is outside of the vehicle, the firearm and ammunition must be locked in a trunk, glove box, or other enclosed compartment within or on the vehicle.Am I correct in understanding that I am in full rights to keep my firearm in my vehicle while I am working my shift at work? Or am I missing something. via /r/CCW

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