Thursday, April 29, 2021

A beautiful day in the neighborhood

Not sure where to post this, but it feels relevant to the current state of the 2A community.I live in the ‘burbs. One town over from the sticks. Meaning: we have farms, pastures, orchards, conservation land; and we have new neighborhoods with mansions, sprawling estates, summer homes, tennis courts, golf greens… recent additions. The road I’m on is somewhat of a cut-through, and the state line between NH and MA is a 20 min walk.I fly the flag at my house, a tea-stained Betsy Ross one. I buy American vehicles. I try to wear and buy domestic products and I believe it is evident to the neighbors.I’m always polite, I pick up trash, I tolerate all the BLM and Biden signs still being up, it’s their property after all.This is background to what occurred yesterday in my sleepy neighborhood.I took the dog for a walk in the afternoon after my shift, wearing a 3% black t shirt covered in a flannel; it was breezy and threatening rain. By my reckoning the only part of the shirt visible was the “III” and a star above it - to a passerby. I always carry on such walks.I came across an individual riding a bicycle heading up hill towards me. A landscaper’s truck and trailer was pulled over on my right without occupants, and a Subaru was coming up behind the biker headed towards me. I did the polite thing and pulled the dog to the left hand shoulder, sat her and waited for the bike and Subaru to pass to avoid any confusion. I spoke up to the biker as he passed and said:“Hello there, more fun going down-hill, huh?”He looked at me, spat as close as he could to me and replied:“Fucking Fascist.”It took me a minute to realize what he had said as he pedaled away slowly. I was shocked.I replied:“You should really read a history book.”I’m still confused about the whole thing. I know he was referring to my shirt, and I have replayed the scenario in my head a few times considering what else I might have said…But ultimately I’m sure nothing I could have said would have mattered. And I don’t know how to categorize what happened. This is most likely one of my near neighbors.Has anyone else experienced this? Sorry for the wall of words but I think it helped to put it in writing. via /r/CCW

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