Friday, April 30, 2021

CCW incident at a bar and deescalating situations

Warning: Long, I was having an argument with a friend about carrying in a bar and wanted people’s perspective about an encounter a while back.I live in a state that bans the carrying of firearms in bars. I somewhat know of the laws behind the legality of this because I use to work at a college campus that was going through how to handle students carrying firearms in areas owned and operated by the university that also serves alcohol. Anyways, when I am going to an area that clearly has a bar hopping scene, I leave the gun at home especially if I know I am going to consume alcohol. Long story short met up with some friends to celebrate a special occasion in a very well known part of town for their bar scene. Its a very packed night. We stopped at this one bar and I am consuming alcohol with my friends and a guy that is clearly very drunk (can not stand straight, wobbly legs) starts hitting on one of the girls in our group and causing trouble with other patrons. Not to judge a book by its cover but this guy was wearing an over sized black tee shirt, and baggy jeans sagging on his waist. He had his hand grabbing the front of his pants the entire time since nothing was holding his pants up. Me and my buddies are kind of having a laugh since we see the guy trying very hard and we understand the game.She rejects his advances three time and he gets a bit frustrated and slaps her ass... at this point our friend is very uncomfortable and my buddy goes up to him and was basically like hey man not cool. They both get verbally aggressive and I decide to get in between them and told the suspect to basically fuck off and calm my friend down so we don’t get kicked out since the night is still early. Suspect gets in my face and starts saying some really “tough guy shit” and racist remarks. Basically told him to calmly fuck off again and he pushes me wanting to start a fight, recoiling from his own force since he’s that drunk... When he pushes me I hear an audible heavy drop on the ground and I think to myself I’m about to get a free iPhone or something for dealing with this ass hat... so I basically ended the conversation and waited for him to leave and turn away a few seconds later to claim my reward, karma right? Normally, I’d return the phone but this guy really made me want to stick with the finders keepers rules.Suspect leaves to regroup with his group while staring me down hard... I wait till he turns away to grab my iPhone flashlight to shine it on the ground to see my loot. Low and behold I see the loot and it’s a glock 26. My mind is racing at this point. I decide to keep my foot on the gun. I turn to see where the suspect went and I notice he’s fumbling in his pants talking to his friends about something... probably since he’s missing something. I hail my buddy, discreetly show him what I just found and he tries to get a bouncer over—it’s a packed night and the music is loud. In between this time I can clearly see the suspect panicking to his friend and hope that he does not try to come back to reclaim his weapon. Bouncer comes. Sees the evidence and hails a cop over working that night and two come over. Female friend knows what’s going on at this point and IDs the suspect. A friend of the Suspect tries to get them to leave because suspect is clearly drunk and he lost a firearm at a bar.... Cops intercept and they pull suspect over to the side outside from the bar. He becomes a little disorderly and they book him... got our statement and that was that.Long story short I support the 2A but do you guys comply with location restricted carry? Like at a restaurant where an owner says “no guns allowed”. I carry to my office extremely discreetly even though firearms are prohibited by the property management company (but not restricted under law).tl:dr; thought I was getting a free iPhone, found a glock instead via /r/CCW

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