Saturday, April 24, 2021

Most ridiculous encounter ever yesterday

So I went to the grocery store yesterday to get like 2 things real quick after work and I'm in the back of the store and this little short lady, probably like 40s asked me nicely to get something from a little higher up since I was standing next to her, so I'm like yeah no problem and grab it for her. Well as I reached up to grab the milk for her, my pistol just barely was visible for a second cuz my shirt and sweatshirt came up when I was reaching to the top shelf... well as I'm going to hand the half gallon of milk to this lady i shit yall not she was staring at my crotch area and she puts both hands on her chest and like backs away from me all fast into the refrigerator doors and starts hyperventilating with the craziest look on her face. Like you would have thought based on her reaction that I had the gun out and pointed in her face, but she just is standing there freaking out and I have no idea what to do so I just put the milk in her cart and go grab the gallon I needed.Well I got the milk and then one more thing I needed and then I go to the self checkout and that lady is up there next to the doors with a manager animatedly explaining something to him... I'm gonna guess it was about me, especially based on the fact that she was pointing at me and I heard her, from far away I might add, say "that's him" and "gun"... so ima guess she went to the manager to say "I saw a guy in the back with a gun" and "do something about it"... maybe even "call the police"...I mean it wasn't really a big deal, I just paid for my shit real quick at the self checkout and walked out after that, but it just blew my mind how that lady reacted, and then thought to myself for a minute like it could potentially turn out really really bad for me if she called the cops and simply said "there is a man running around the grocery store with a gun" with no further explanation... yall know how cops can be, and I'd rather not deal with that headache, (or bulletache more like).But Jesus, what kind of sheltered ass life do you live that you freak out and have a panic attack at the sight for a split second of a man with a holstered and concealed pistol thats doing nothing but shopping and even helped you with something? People be crazy man via /r/CCW

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