Sunday, November 1, 2020

Some idiot tried to fight me yesterday while I was carrying in a store. De-escalation situation, wasn't easy.

Over a dumb ass dispute in a parking lot. This raged fool though I was going too fast and proceeded to stare me down because I startled him or something, I even gave him the sorry dude, my fault wave (wasn't going fast). I get out of the car, he is still staring me down, I kind of yell down to him "don't worry dude I wasn't going to run you over". So I proceed to walk to the entrance and this dude is triple stepping it behind me. Within seconds he is right behind me yelling "maybe you shouldn't be speeding through the parking lot asshole". I'm like dude, back the fuck off. He keeps pursuing me, staring me down, now he is in front of me yelling back, FUCK YOU ASSHOLE, and now he is slowing down coming back towards me. I'm just kind of laughing it off telling him "you need to shut up man, seriously just shut your mouth and get your groceries". I never stopped moving forward and away from him the entire time. Yeah I am barking back a little but he is legit right in my face, but I kept moving to the store. He is so enraged he passes up the entrance, goes way off to the right, still shouting. He's yelling "do something then, DO SOMETHING!" I said back, "there is no door down there dummy". He realizes what he did and turns around and triple steps it to the entrance. I'm getting my cart, turn around and there he is right behind me like 2ft away. I'm like "back off dude, I'm telling you". He keeps saying "do something about it asshole, let's go, come on do something"! I kind of laughed again, and said "what, you want me to fight you right here in the store, are you an idiot, go get your shit and shut up". He speed walks into the store, I get my cart together and walk in and there he is waiting for me, right behind the greeter! Staring me down like he is going to charge me as soon as I get past. I'm still moving, I say "you need to back off" again, and again he says "do something, you're all mouth"! I laughed again and said "I'm not fighting you in a store dummy", he said ""let's go outside then"! He is yelling this, people are getting nervous, he keeps barking some dumb shit and I keep moving. I get to the deli area and he finally backs off and goes about his business. I kept my eyes out the rest of the time, I kind of half expected his dumb ass to be waiting at the exit door or at my car but I didn't see him again.I go to that store at least 3x per week, unreal. I knew if it came to blows, even if he started it I would have spent Halloween in jail, and there goes my pistol. I wouldn't have pulled it even if shit escalated, was 100% confident I would have just beaten him down. But still, probably not a good idea since I was carrying. That's how I see it anyway. via /r/CCW

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