Sunday, November 1, 2020

Interacting with police while carrying.

Sorry if this has been asked on here before, but I have never been able to find an answer to this.I live in Ohio and have had my CCW for 6~ years. When taking my class, I remember my instructor telling us that you must inform an officer if you are armed while interacting with them. Over the years I’ve had a few questions about what qualifies as ‘interacting’ with an officer.Would simply walking past an officer and saying ‘hello’ count as an interaction worthy of telling the officer you are armed? How about chatting with an officer on a street corner (during some sort of outdoor event) for a minute or two while waiting for the light to change? How about if you ask an officer for directions? How about if you are sitting on a bench and an officer approaches you to have a quick friendly conversation?I’ve never been able to find a clear answer to these types of situations. It would seem kind of ridiculous to stop an officer and tell them you are armed just to say ‘hello’, but I guess that is technically an interaction.Looking forward to hearing your thoughts! via /r/CCW

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