Saturday, November 28, 2020

Are Tier 1 concealment holsers worth it? (Over

Currently I regularly edc 3 sub $100 holster that work just fine, one in particular is actually very comfortable for me. None are married rigs and sure I understand why a married rig is more expensive. I will even say this, based on what I've read about how much r&d goes into say the t1 axis elite, the price tag seems fair. That said. In terms of comfortable, concealibility, and all the other things that you want a good holster to provide, do you guys think its worth it over a holster I know works for me? (But isn't a married rig which I've heard can be even more comfortable + added benefit of extra mag)I just bought one for my glock 48 which brings my bf bill to $700. My girlfriend might kill me and I need to know if I should just get another $60sh holster.TL;RD: T1 AXIS ELITE really that much better than other sub $100 appendix holsters?View Poll via /r/CCW

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