Monday, May 25, 2020

People seem to draw their weapons for seemingly no reason?

TL;DR Some people are way too quick to draw without valid reason.Ok. I understand seconds matter when your life is potentially in the line. However, in far too many of the stories I’ve read where people draw their weapon, there is no immediate threat. Many of these stories seem to follow something basic.Public area(s)The “aggressor” doing normal stuffA willingness to threaten without reasonI’ve read stories where someone will draw their weapon on a person for turning onto the same two streets as them. For getting too close on a sidewalk. For looking “shady”. Then they justify them threatening someone with a deadly weapon with “I’d hate to have imagined what would have happened if I wasn’t carrying, or didn’t draw when I did” and the comments will be countless others praising them for it.This infuriates me to no end. No one should place another individuals life at risk because they FEEL threatened. I repeat. If you FEEL threatened by someone, that does not give you an excuse to draw your weapon on them. If you or another’s life, limb, or eye sight is at risk due to an individuals immediate actions then end them with extreme prejudice. Anything less and I truly believe you should think long and hard of your choice to carry a firearm.Many of these scenarios where someone draws on someone who is not an immediate threat makes me think of me, my family and friends. I’ve inadvertently followed someone at 3am. Just got off work and just so happen to be walking the same way. A group of friends cutting through stand still traffic all take different ways around a car? No ill intent, most people don’t walk single file. Trying to get your attention at a red light? Just asking for directions.I understand no one can tell the future, and you must always be prepared for the unthinkable. But too many innocent people die due to others fear for their lives not being truly founded. via /r/CCW

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