Monday, May 25, 2020

I was part of an Active Shooter situation.

I’ll try to make this short and I apologize for any grammatical errors i am on mobile.I am 26 years old and have had my CCW in AZ for almost 5 years now. I have have always loved my medium sized handguns like G19s and others similar in size. Currently my favorite gun is my CZ p-07. I’m about 5’11” and weigh around 160 and I don’t always wear baggy clothes, so sometimes concealing something around that size can be difficult for me.Well about 5 days ago, a friend and I decided to go get something to eat across the street from our hotel, at an entertainment center that is basically a giant outdoor mall but it’s all bars and restaurants. I was going in a white tshirt and jeans and decided not to carry. I guess I figured why should I we would be quick no problem, and left the CZ in the hotel room.We went across the street and went into Buffalo Wild Wings and that’s when it started I was placing my order when people started screaming and running in and diving under tables. Screaming there’s a shooter over and over. I poked my head out the door and sure enough the semi auto fire was what felt like every where. Without skipping a beat I yelled at my friend we needed to go now! We ran like I’ve never ran in my life and thank god sprinted the one mile back to the hotel unharmed.All I could think about was why didn’t I have my gun on me. The one time I probably would’ve ever needed it and I didn’t have it.As time past after the event and calling family and friends to tell them I was safe before they saw the news. All anyone could say was “where was your gun?” And all I could say was “ I wouldn’t have used it anyways... I was trying to get away”. All this time as a concealed carrier I’ve always told myself I would be able to keep calm and respond. Let me tell you what it’s a whole different story when it actually happens.I ran like never before, I was removing myself from the situation. I was not going on the offense to handle this guy I was going defense and my best option was to get out. Even if I had my gun I still would have ran.I continue thinking about my wife who is currently 7 months pregnant and my two daughters who are 5 and 2. There’s no way we could have ran and escaped the way I did without them. That would have been the time to have my gun on me. We could distance ourselves as much as possible and hunker down and still be on the defense with the gun, not the offense.However because I don’t always carry,because my favorite guns don’t conceal the best on my body. I wonder if my wife and kids had been with me, would I have chosen to carry that evening.I have now learned that sometimes your favorite may not be the best carry option because if it doesn’t conceal well or the holster isn’t comfortable you probably won’t carry it and trust me you never think you’ll need it until you do.This story seems kinda all over the place as I read it over, but I’m trying to stay on topic about the importance of carrying the right size gun and holster setup. It was the craziest even of my young life and I pray I continue my life without any defensive shots fired.Summary: I went to eat with a friend and chose not to carry because the gun I had with me was tough to conceal and there was an active shooter situation where I was. I ran like hell because I was able to. I continue to think of my wife and kids were with me. I wouldn’t have been able to run. I would have needed my gun. So I learned my favorite guns aren’t always the best carry choice. You need to carry a gun that fits you and a holster that is comfortable so you actually carry. Also, always remove yourself if possible and being a hero isn’t always the best option. via /r/CCW

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