Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Security Theater Fun Time

So the background here is that I am staying at a hotel connected with a convention going on that I am attending. There are no explicit rules for not carrying a firearm anywhere posted for either the event, nor the hotel, and I've been pocket carrying the whole time, with two backup mags. Each entry point has a security checkpoint to look into your bags as you come through (random selection) and to check your badge. If you get selected, they have metal detector wands which I hadn't seen used.Well I got randomly selected, after effortlessly walking through about five times prior. I take my backpack and it's cleared by the staff, and the event employee then asks me to be wanded.Please put out your armsSorry, I can't pass the metal detector test.Take out your phone and wallet from your pockets and...I have too much metal in my pockets.Too much metal? Is it for work?Yeah I have too much metal.Uhh.. Okay... Just come throughAnd that, my friends, is security theater, defeated by "too much metal."Has anyone else had a similar experience getting through fake security? via /r/CCW

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