Thursday, December 5, 2019

I have PTSD and a CCW, but I might be a criminal now. Why I will no longer be carrying a concealed weapon.

Throwaway because this will contain identifying information. This happened in Kentucky, and I was carrying my G19. I am a veteran of the US Marine Corps infantry, and was in combat in Iraq. I currently have a 30% rating for PTSD, but have had only minor issues. Until now.My wife and I had been out Christmas shopping with our foster daughter. Heading home about 7:30pm we were rear-ended at a stop sign. I had never been rear-ended before, and I guess I didn't know how to react. My "combat brain" took over and I guess assumed I was being attacked. I pulled the car over, jumped out and took cover. I drew my pistol, but realized I wasn't taking fire. I moved up to the other vehicle with my pistol still out and shined a flashlight in the windows. I saw a young man and two women, all with their hands up. I verbally confirmed that the collision had been an accident, caused by faulty brakes on a wet road, and reholstered. At that point I apologized for frightening them.The other driver got out and we exchanged insurance information. At that point we were cool, and they seemed to understand that I had felt threatened. There was no damage to either vehicle.This whole event took under a minute, though it felt like much longer to me. My wife was understandably very concerned, and had called the police. We had to wait for them, and I chose not to speak with the officers.I was arrested for Wanton Endangerment, 1st degree, which is a Class D felony in Kentucky. I spent about 28 hours in jail and was released on bond. I'm assured that the felony will not stick, but I may still be convicted of a misdemeanor and this will certainly cost me a lot of money. Fortunately I have dash cam video that shows me acting defensively and visibly afraid, otherwise this sounds like road rage.My foster child was removed, and my job may be affected. I will be applying for an increase in my PTSD rating.I have decided that I will stop carrying a concealed weapon. Another event like this is more likely to happen than an acutal gunfight. I will keep my firearms and continue shooting but I can't take this chance again. via /r/CCW

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