Thursday, December 12, 2019

Active Shooter "training" at work.

Had local police come give us "the talk" at work today. Standard run, hide, fight stuff I have seen put out before, but this was my first time going through a presentation myself. Worth noting that the company has a no weapons policy but that hardly matters because we are a right to work state anyhow.Short video put out by LA police was shown. Pretty standard stuff, seen other videos like it before on the Internet. They did talk about cover and concealment but I think they glossed over how sturdy cover needs to be in order to be effective. At some point after the video, the officer noted that the appliances we manufacture could be used as cover. This is not true, they are mostly thin aluminum and wires with some insulation. Might stop birdshot but I wouldn't hardly even trust that.Situational awareness was mentioned pretty briefly, which is one of the most valuable skills in my opinion. Too short of a mention. Improvised weapons like a wrench or fire extinguisher or scissors were talked about for about as much time. Never brought up non-lethals. Did talk about being capable of killing someone with scissors to save yourself "Could you stab someone in the eye with these to save your own life?" was basically what was asked.And when it ended, there was no time for questions. I wasn't going to say anything myself, but I wondered what some of my coworkers were thinking.This is not a very exciting post. I just wanted to share it because it was my first official "training". I don't feel very trained but maybe that's because I've been doing more than the basics for years now and it's just normal for me. via /r/CCW

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