Thursday, March 14, 2019

Weird dreams ever since I started carrying?

Does/did anyone else have really weird DGU related dreams when they first started carrying?? I’ve had probably 3 weeks worth of having crazy terrifying gun related dreams at least 4 times a week.Everything from muggings and escalations to a neighbor of mine’s kids (none of which are even older than 10) breaking into my house armed and having a standoff to some sort of public mass shooting type scenarios I get caught in.I’ve been around firearms my whole life, family always had em, I’ve shot plenty, but I just started carrying within the last like, 2 months or so.I live in a super safe area, so it isn’t like it’s a realistic fear of mine that any (insert various crazy scenarios with people I know) would ever actually happen.Just wondering if it’s a normal thing that happens at first, or if I’m going crazy lol. Thanks guys. via /r/CCW

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