Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Thinking of getting a 1911, questions for those who carry them.

I currently carry a Ruger EC9s. It is a wonderful little gun and I love carrying it and shooting it. I am thinking of buying a bigger gun, I want a 45 and I have recently lost a lot of weight (going on 80lbs - want to lose about another 25) and have the extra space around my midsection to carry one. I am not worried about lack of capacity, my Ruger currently tops out at 9+1 although I typically only carry with the 7+1 in the gun. I don't plan on getting rid of my EC9s, in fact it may become an ankle carry gun when the 1911 comes.I am looking at either a Standard or Commander SR1911 from Ruger. Leaning towards Commander for the shorter barrel, I think it would be easier to conceal. Would love to hear from people who carry 1911's - what do you like about carrying it, what do you dislike about carrying it, would you rather have gone with a different gun if you had it to do over? Finally - how do you conceal? I typically carry my EC9s at around 8 o'clock IWB (left handed).Thanks a lot! via /r/CCW

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