Monday, March 25, 2019

Kahr CM9 for first carry?

Hey r/CCW, recently a friend of mine decided to buy another pistol and is trying to sell his old Kahr CM9 to fund it. He's selling it for $250, and that includes 3 magazines. It's been maintained well and (imho) shoots pretty well. Now I'm a bit of a CCW noob, so I have a few questions:I've read some pretty good reviews on the CM9. If you have one, what's been your experience with it?I'm planning on getting a conceal carry license as soon as I turn 21 this summer. Could anyone guide me to some resources for conceal carry laws and/or regulations I should be read up on beforehand? (Kansas, btw)So far this is the only sub-compact handgun I've fired and I'm trying to find some others to compare it to. Any recommendations?Go ahead and throw your 2-cents in, I'm doing my best to get read up before I make any decisions! via /r/CCW

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