Sunday, March 17, 2019

First time being pulled over - Was a non-event.

So I was driving home the other day and was conceal carrying my Glock 19 AIWB. Without going into too much detail I’ll just say someone turned into the turn lane, and right when the two lanes were merging into one (me being at the front of the pack), this person decided to not put on their turn signal or yield, then cut over. I was in a position where I could either brake, and the merging cars behind me would collide, or slam on the gas and cut into the bike lane and cut in front of this person. I chose to do the latter, while laying on my horn and barely avoiding an accident.Unbeknownst to me, there were 5 officers about 50 feet in front of this that were arresting some junkies and one saw this happen, stood in the middle of the road and issued for me to pull over. He waved the idiot car on and approached my window.Note this was my first time EVER being pulled over. For background I’m a 24 year old male with a spotless driving record. I don’t even have a parking ticket on there.Cop: “Is there some sort of emergency happening right now?!” He shouted.Me: “No Officer.”Cop: “Is there any reason you just cut into the bike lane to pass that car?!”Me: “No sir.” (Of course this wasn’t the real answer but from the junkies he was arresting plus just seeing this, he was clearly in a heightened state of adrenaline and I wasn’t about to argue with him)He then notified me I was being recorded, and asked for my license, registration, and proof of insurance. I gave him these documents, then, me being a noob I gave him both my Oregon (state I’m in) CHL AND my Utah CHL. He asked if I had my weapon on me, to which I responded “Yes sir.” He then asked me to just keep my hands on the steering wheel which I did.He asked why I had the Utah CHL and I said for traveling across states. Then asked how long I’d been in Oregon and I said “My whole life sir, born and raised here.”He took my license, CHL, and insurance and registration back to his cruiser and ran my information. He then returned to the passenger side, calmer now, and asked me to explain what just happened. I told him I wasn’t trying to talk my way out of a ticket or anything, and was just trying to avoid an accident, I explained what I observed from my perspective. He mentioned that from his perspective he assumed I was just cutting into the bike lane to pass people illegally, especially because I had come out up front, but learning my position he stated that Oregon law dictates I was in the right because the merging idiot car was supposed to yield to me.He told me he wouldn’t be issuing me a citation and that he really appreciated me notifying him of my conceal carry, and to drive safely.I said “thank you sir, as a commercial pilot I try my best to stick to the rules of the road, and I really appreciate what you guys are doing out here. Have a good day.”And drove off.So, yeah. I did exactly what I’ve been told by countless others to do, and everything ended just fine without a citation being issued. Who knew?! Even if a cop is having a bad day, if you’re open and honest with them about your CCW and position on why you did what you did, it can seriously deescalate the situation, and they’ll be a lot more likely to just issue a warning or nothing at all.Just thought I’d share this story as an example of what to do- especially for us first timers.TL;DR A cop pulled me over for a traffic incident that wasn’t my fault, I gave him my CCL and when he asked, told him I had my weapon on me, we had a civil conversation about what happened and I continued on my way with nothing bad happening. via /r/CCW

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