Saturday, March 2, 2019

1st DGU and LEO encounter

I'm going to try to keep this from being a wall of text, bare with me. So I walk my dog everyday after kiddos get home from school and yesterday was no different. After my dog did her business, she alerted. The next moments happened in literally 4 seconds. I turn my dog back towards our house and out of a drainage ditch comes the Pitbull 3 ft away and closing. I walk my Lab mix with a 7ft leash and full harness. Because let's face it...being lab. If a cat, butterfly, bird, whatever happens to catch her attention, she wants it. lol. Anyway, in a flash I'm faced with teeth and intent. The Pit lunged at us several times, all the while I'm yelling stop, go home, and trying to keep my dog from getting wrapped up, but the pit had other plans. She got ahold of my dogs paw and as I brought my Shield out of it's 4 o'clock position, It's like all kinds of things flashed...really. It was surreal how everything slowed down. Backstop, pavement ricochet, My dogs proximity to muzzle, all nanoseconds. I got a shot off and unfortunately I hit her in the hip and it didn't really phase her at 1st...she broke loose and came back again. I went for a 2nd shot and click... nothing. Oh shit, not good. 1 hand reload try and fail. Luckily I guess the shot finally registered and she limped off. This isn't what I wanted.A little history, these neighbors are typical NC mix bag of undesirables in a double wide. 4 grown men and a 13yr old and a 3 yrs old Lil girls. The woman of the house works, nobody else. So naturally they have there token pitbull chained to the porch. all the time. it's sad honestly. We've had to call on the dog before because" the baby let her loose on accident??"...okok anyway, she has been over here and basically held my family hostage for a good 45mins. Animal control was called by us, they tranquilized the dog and removed her, issued citations. They get the dog back!!! I had what I thought was a heart to heart with the "Dad" telling him I have kids and I really don't want them to witness something if anything where to happen. He seemed to understand and things calmed down for a month or 2.Until today, The police where extremely professional and very understanding and given the fact of a prior report, they didn't even really question me much. Basically told me I did the neighborhood a favor and given the history, it was bound to happen eventually. Im glad I took my dog out for her walk instead of 1 of my 4 kiddos. Things could have been worse. I don't know if the pit survived. They rushed her to a vet. Cops told us they'll be back today to issue citations for her being loose and being a dangerous dog. They encouraged me to take my dog to the vet if she was wounded, but she was scraped up from pavement, and her paw had teeth marks and bruised but luckily the pit didn't get a good bite on her, nothing serious just surface wounds luckily. They said I could sue the pit owners if I was inclined to do so. They don't have anything so, I figure they're paying for it in other ways.The whole experience was a learning 1. I'm changing ammo for 1 and I may even change my carry weapon after this. I carry a Shield 9c.... with Barnes SD rounds. The officer said the round probably got hung on my feed ramp. which I've heard before is possible with defense rounds. He suggested I polish the ramp some or switch to Gold dots as my carry ammo. I asked him what he prefers as a carry weapon and he surprised me...he Carry's a Taurus G2 and has 3 of them. lol. I was kinda shocked. The other cop...was carrying a Sig not sure which but it was a Sig.At the end of the day....I learned things can go from good to holy shit in a matter of seconds. Sugar is healing up this morning. Slept by my side of the bed all night. Again, we don't get to choose the time and place a dgu situation can happen. Given the history with these people and there ignorance of dog ownership, They put me in a terrible situation. As the nice officer's better to have than have not. Wise words.Sorry again for format or any grammar issues... I've come from this experience with a lot of things to think about. I've had my CC license for a year now and never expected I'd ever have to draw down on anything, boy was I wrong. The officer said from the wound on the dog and the trajectory its presented a shot while she was charging at us. Again, these guys treated me with respect and set me at ease after the incident. It did take them 20mins to get to us...but 1 of them called us on the way to ask if the neighbors where hostile and if they needed to come with lights and sirens. Luckily, the neighbors calmed down once they realized I did what I had to do to protect me and my dog. via /r/CCW

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