Thursday, February 8, 2018

Uncooperative cover garments, IWB, cars, GFZs

Yesterday I was carrying my S&W Shield. Using a 2-clip leather/kydex IWB holster that I got from Concealed Concept via eBay. It sort of resembles an Alien Gear - whatever that style is called. Carrying it in regular jeans (not baggy but not tight either) and t-shirt around 4:00. Using a reinforced leather belt marketed for use with guns.I'm amazed at how comfortable this holster is and how well it disappears even under a tee. The Shield is a tremendous upgrade in firepower compared with my usual mouse guns carried in a pocket. Almost forgot it was there a few times.Here's the first problem: the shirt rides up and exposes the weapon whenever I reach up high, stretch, pick something up, walk up stairs, sit down - pretty much any activity other than standing still. So I wore a long heavy coat over it. That's fine in cold weather, but it won't work when the weather warms up.Next problem: I did some practice draws (unloaded of course) in front of a mirror. You'd think it'd be easy with that shirt constantly riding up. No! The shirt usually gets in the way. Even in the ideal case of shirt staying put until it needs to move and then scooting gracefully out of the way, I lose about second or so trying to clear it before the draw. At 4:00 I can't reach over with my other hand to help.Third problem: had to disarm before going into a place where firearms are prohibited by law. With a pocket gun, I can slip the whole holster out and lock it away very discreetly. If anyone sees from the next car over, it just looks like a phone or a wallet. No empty holster on my hip to raise eyebrows if exposed. With this new setup I basically have to draw the weapon and hope nobody notices. (Yesterday I did it under my coat.) There's no way I'm taking the whole holster off or putting it back on again in the drivers seat. It'd be difficult at best and rearming could risk indecent exposure charges. Re-holstering was terrifying. That shirt - is it in the way again? Am I about to blast a hole in my butt cheeks like that one guy on the Internet? Gently puuuush... Click. No boom. Hooray!Contrast with pocket carry, where I just slide the whole holster back into a cargo or coat pocket.How do the rest of you manage? I want this to work. via /r/CCW

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