Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Struggling with the decision to renew my CCDW permit

I am a KY resident, firearms enthusiast, and 2A supporter. However, I am really struggling with the decision to renew my CCDW permit. Last March, I discovered that I have a blood clot in my brain. When I first started blood thinners to treat it, I also developed a duodenal ulcer and nearly bled out. The resulting low blood pressure and O2 levels damaged my optic nerves and I am now legally blind. I can see just well enough to navigate without using a cane, but can no longer drive.The statutes governing CCDW do not address minimum vision requirements. I feel that I can still safely carry and use my handgun. However, I'm concerned about the perception of my legally blindness if I ever needed to use my gun in self defense. I can imagine an overzealous prosecutor raising the issue. I'm leaning toward renewal and my wife supports it, but still haven't completely made up my mind. I'd appreciate some input from like minded individuals. Thanks! via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2E7cGxT

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