Monday, February 19, 2018

LE Encounter in CO

I'm using a throwaway just so this doesn't connect back to me with some people I don't want putting my posts together...So - I haven't been pulled over in about 20 years - when I was roughly 20 years old. Living in California, as long as you stay out of the bad neighborhoods, you never see cops - and everyone is speeding. It's well known that the Sacramento Sheriffs hate writing tickets for traffic stops.Well, now I live in Colorado - and everyone drives like a bat out of hell with no regard for life, safety, or speed limits. I'm fine with that - it fits me! In fact, a couple weeks ago, I was following someone doing 95 in a 65 when I look in my mirror and see a Colorado State Patrol. I immediately get over - and instead of puling me over, he's yelling something at me as he flies past.Not so much last night... on a frontage road doing 73 in a 55 - I see him and another car approaching the opposite direction. I do hit the breaks, but didn't think he had his radar on - until he flipped his lights on right as he passed me, and looked for a place to pull over.I saw that the shoulder was pretty crappy - so when I found a good spot for both of us, I just pulled over and waited for him to catch up. I had keys out, hands in plain sight, and license and CCW in hand. He tells me he clocked me doing 73, then looking at what I handed him - asks if I have my gun on me, and where. I told him ~3:00; he asked for insurance and registration - I told him I wasn't reaching anywhere until we were clear - I kept my hands on the wheel and my wife grabbed the papers.He didn't say much else - went back to his car and ran everything, then came back with a written warning and just explained that they're stepping up enforcement in the area. I'll never know if the CCW helped, or the car full of kids, or just being totally nice and respectful - but at least I didn't get that ticket.Colorado does NOT require you to notify - but my county and the two neighboring counties have all lost officers due to shootings in the last 2 months. I see no reason to be a dick; I just want to make their lives easier. This time it seemed to work out. via /r/CCW

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