Thursday, February 8, 2018

It finally happened

Oh how the mighty have fallen!I do want to preface this with that I fully recognize I was speeding. Fair enough. I have never been pulled over by a cop before.I leave school and cross over into Indiana to go to work. As I’m nearing my exit on the I-65, I see it. The most terrifying beast to ever walk God’s green Earth… well… besides a NJ, NY, CA or Hawaii cop… a statie. In the left shoulder.Upon seeing him, I immediately realize I’m nicked. He begins pulling forward to merge right as I brake a little. I try to play it off and merge into the far right lane and hoping, maybe, he just couldn’t be bothered to pull me over today.No such luck. He pulls into the far right lane behind me and hits his lights.I immediately go into the right shoulder and stop my truck. Turn the radio down, take me my sunglasses off and put the truck in park.He walks up to my window, I roll it down and say “How are you doing today, sir?”Without hesitation, he says: “77 in a 55. License and registration.”A bit taken aback by his brusqueness, I reply: “Yes sir, but before we continue, I’d like to inform you I’m currently carrying concealed.” I was very careful to not say gun.He suddenly has an annoyed face and says: “I’m asking for two documents, not a gun. Don’t show me one a gun and we won’t have a problem.”So I say okay and I ponder for a split second of informing him that I’m carrying at 4:30 and my wallet is in my back right pocket, but he seemed impatient already so I decided against it.So I get my ID and registration and hand it to him. He walks back to his cruiser and does whatever cops do in the cruiser. Checking me for warrants, previous history, all that interesting stuff.He gets done with what he’s doing and walks back to my car and hands me my registration and my ID and says: “I’m going to need to see your concealed carry license, it didn’t come up in the system.”I say of course and open my wallet back up and hand my license to him.He looks at it says: “That’s why. I was looking under Kentucky because of your driver’s license. Do you have a residence in Indiana?”Me: “No sir. That’s a non-resident license, sir.”He takes one more look at it, hands it back to me and explains the ticket to me and then gives me the ticket. He tells me to drive safely and I wish him a good day and safety and leave.Anything I could have done better, /r/ccw? Besides, of course, speeding. via /r/CCW

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