Friday, February 2, 2018

Interesting experience checking my firearm at the airport tonight

This was my first time flying with a gun so I wasn't really sure what to expect. I've read plenty of posts on this sub so I had a pretty good idea what to expect and thought it would go smoothly.I made sure to print out both the TSA's and airline's rules on firearms in the event I had to show them their own rules, which was nearly necessary.This was also the first time the counter attendant has ever had someone check a gun. I approached the counter and clearly yet discreetly told him that I had a firearm to declare in my checked luggage. His eyes widened and was seemingly at a loss for words. He loudly stammered "you have a firearm?" and shifted his body away from me. Naturally this caused all eyes to focus on me.I quickly told him that yes, I do, and I am wanting to declare it. He looked towards his co-worker whom seemed like she could care less. This appeared to somewhat reassured him, and perhaps allowed him to remember that in fact that firearms are something that can be checked and that everything was alright.He went away at the computer, presumably looking at some type of help file, then informed me I had to fill out a tag and place it with the weapon. Yes, WITH it. Whatever he read told him that he needed to watch me open the gun case, ensure it was unloaded, and then witness me place the tag in the case and lock the case.Red flags were going off like fireworks in my head! There are other guests on either side of me and he wants me to open the gun case. I thought for sure someone was going to see it and start screaming "GUN!!".I did not want to argue with him since he seemed to be reading some type of official documentation, so I complied. I could just feel everyone's eyes burning into me as I unlocked and opened the case. The attendant looked like he had never seen a gun before and seemingly did not want to handle it, thank God. He looked at it as lay in the case and decided it was empty, then had me place the tag inside and relock it.Phew! I was so relieved that security hadn't tackled me to the floor.He proceeded to continue the check-in process, informing me there was an additional, somewhat hefty, fee for checking firearms. I did not want to pay this so I explained to him how I did not see anything about that on their site but of course he still wanted me to pay it, even informing me that it is cheaper to pay online. Even though you can't. We went back and forth for a little bit (not overly argumentative), at which point a supervisor, who was around and presumably watching the entire time, came over. He explained to her what he was trying to do with the added fee. Luckily she corrected him; the firearm is IN the checked bag and does not need a separate fee! He was ringing it up as if it were a standalone case being checked, such as a rifle case. The fee was simply a second checked bag fee.She then informed him of how the check in process works for firearms and had him redo the entire process. The declaration tag does NOT go with the weapon, it just goes on the outside of the case. Yikes. I did not want to open it again to retrieve the tag so I asked if I could just fill out a new tag. Well guess what? Per the supervisor I don't fill out the tag, HE is supposed to!A learning experience all around. Why the supervisor allowed him to have me open the case is beyond me.The rest went smoothly. The TSA agents later on didn't even have me open the case!Had to share with you guys. via /r/CCW

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