Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Bouncer opinion: power, strength and size win street fights more than mat and ring time.

Hi everyone, I've been a bouncer on and off, on weekends, in a busy street of bars and nightclubs, for about ten years, witnessing street fights on most of those nights, and I have had to use force and fight about once a month. I've had a few mma fights, and also competed in judo and no-gi BJJ. Never fought in boxing or kickboxing but been training and sparring with competitors for years. I've done some self defense training as well. I'm not a big bouncer at 6f1 and 200 pounds.

Being a trained martial artist sure helps. Don't get me wrong. But I'd rather have a bouncer with no cardio and technique but ridiculous punching power and who is hard to move watching my back than a small pro kickboxer or a bjj black belt.

The guys that I've seen doing the best against several threatening men were those could knock their opponent out with the first haymaker. Not the Krav expert, not the local thai boxing coach.

These are the guys that would certainly lose to the combat sport competitor of any weight after a couple minutes at the most, inside the ring, but this is about being devestating within a very small window of time in crowded places where there is no room for stick and move strategies. When a big guy clinches with you and starts throwing bombs hockey player style, it's tough to bob and weave.

Very few street fights will reward tactics that rely on wearing your opponent down, such as pummeling the lead leg with low kicks and landing multiple jabs.

They usually last for about half a minute, those short bouts maybe repeated a couple times but that's it. If you consider energy systems, phosphagen is the primary one. Being able to skip for 20 minutes won't get you anywhere. Of course, occasionally you will see a fight lasting about a minute or even two, and of course everyone will be gassed out and the fittest guys will prevail at this point. But this is very seldom and not the type of cardio you will develop from steady state cardio and longer intervals.

You have a few seconds to dispatch your angry, spazzing opponent, and there is no place for rope-a-dope strategies.

I did not make this thread to voice my unpopular opinion like a condescending douche. But here's what I think most people training self defense should work on more(based on the classes I've attented and the people I met there):

Once you've got a decent striking and grappling fondation, work on your sport specific strength and power, a lot. Trained people rarely assault others on the streets or make trouble at night, those that will put you in danger willl usually be the big guys without much martial arts training. Being able to win a local amateur boxing championship won't get you very far ahead from the guy who's just done enough to outstrike intermediate trainees when it comes to fighting drunken big guys or scum harrassing your girlfriend.

-Work on aggressive striking combinations, no more multiple jabs or stick and move approach.

-Intense and short heavy bag/thai pads intervals.

-Work on max strength and explosive strength, olympic lifts and plyo, medecine ball throws, sprints... put on some mass if you can because yes, it's a lot about size.

I've come to this idea after a few situations when I was outnumbered or fighting bigger guys than me, the untrained bouncers with a lot of brute strength, size and punching power were doing better than me, even if they come to me to learn striking and grappling and are amazed at how I can manhandle them on the mat and beat them up using stick and move strategies in striking. But street fights are a whole different type of confrontation, much more agressive, much less technical, much shorter, and I feel like the self defense crowd is actually going in the opposite direction.

I don't believe that targetting the eyes, the throat or the crotch is magical, it's very hard to apply in real life from what I've seen. To me the number one strike missing from MMA is the headbut.

TLDR version: punching power and the ability to ragdoll most guys are the most valuable assets in self defense.

What are your thoughts? thanks for dropping your input.

Submitted February 06, 2018 at 03:15PM by Mald0r0r http://ift.tt/2FQS25O

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